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places to live near weehawken new jersey
Category: Family and Home Asked by: williaa67-ga List Price: $50.00 |
11 Nov 2004 17:32 PST
Expires: 11 Dec 2004 17:32 PST Question ID: 427783 |
My family (mum, dad and two kids aged 3 and 1) is thinking of relocating from Sydney, Australia to Weehawken New Jersey for work reasons. I am likely to be in NY on a bus trip in Jan, and might have a couple of days to look at houses. What are generally considered to be the nicest towns for a family to live in within 45mins to 1hr commute of weehawken? Cost of accommodation is NOT a major factor. | |
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Re: places to live near weehawken new jersey
Answered By: jdb-ga on 26 Nov 2004 15:41 PST |
Hello, I am following up on your question. Here are resources that allow you to search for counties, communities and community information near Weehawken. You might schedule with a real estate agent to look at prospective areas while you are visiting, and I have included these as well. My search found the town of Secaucus as the greenest community in your demographic in Weehawken's Hudson County, 3 miles from Weehawken. Weehawken Online - Township of Weehawken, NJ http://www.weehawken-nj.us/ Transportation > Light Rail http://www.weehawken-nj.us/info.php?pgname=literail (This summarizes varieties of light rail transportation, with area descriptions, links & maps that show nearby desirable suburbs) Light Rail & Area Map http://www.njtransit.com/images/hb_final_1031.gif Hudson County http://www.hudsoncountynj.org/default.asp Maps & Demographics, Transit http://www.hudsoncountynj.org/downloads/default.asp Green Map (Shows Secaucus as greenest area near Weehawken) http://www.hudsoncountynj.org/downloads/masterplan/green%20map.pdf Northwest of Weehauken is the Town of Secaucus http://www.hudsoncountynj.org/downloads/dp/DP1%20Secaucus.pdf Hudson County Transit Guide http://www.hudsoncountynj.org/downloads/transitmap/hc%20transit%20guide.pdf The Town of Secaucus - Jewel of New Jersey's Meadowlands (3 mi from Weehawken) http://www.secaucus.org/ Our Town, Residents' Zone, Lodgings, Transportation, Shopping, Tourism, Links, web directory Links (Scroll down to Real Estate links to find rental homes) http://www.secaucus.org/web.html (Incl this longtime Secaucus resident & agent) M. Doyle Incl Apt & Home Rentals http://www.mdoylere.com/ New Jersey Counties Map (Weehawken is in Hudson County - you can see which counties are nearby) http://county-map.digital-topo-maps.com/new-jersey-county-map.gif New Jersey Counties Near Weehawken - Official Websites - with Demographics & Community Info, Links -Bergen http://www.co.bergen.nj.us/ -Essex http://www.co.essex.nj.us/ -Morris http://www.co.morris.nj.us/ New Jersey Home Rentals by County http://www.weichertrents.com/stateSearchResults.aspx?state=NJ -Hudson County (Weehawken's County) Home Rentals - by Town, incl Secaucus http://www.weichertrents.com/countySearchResults.aspx?countyID=33663 -Bergen County http://www.weichertrents.com/countySearchResults.aspx?countyID=32518 -Essex County http://www.weichertrents.com/countySearchResults.aspx?countyID=33229 -Morris County http://www.weichertrents.com/countySearchResults.aspx?countyID=34383 The New York Times - Real Estate - Select State & County - Incl NY, NJ, CT Find demographics, recent sales, school information and interactive county maps for your community. http://realestate.nytimes.com/community/searchindex.asp I hope these are helpful. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. jdb-ga |
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Re: places to live near weehawken new jersey
From: policajo-ga on 12 Nov 2004 07:35 PST |
Lower fairfield County Connecicut is beautiful (and also where I live). Weehawken is approximately 45 minutes from Stamford , CT and Greenwich, CT. |
Re: places to live near weehawken new jersey
From: shockandawe-ga on 12 Nov 2004 13:28 PST |
Greenwhich, CT is 45 minutes from Weehawken, NJ provided you make the trip at 3 AM. As a daily commute, most people would find it arduous at best. Weehawken is a typical Hudson County, NJ town, for the most part the houses are old and close together, parking your car requires significant creativity, patience or knowledge... but good public transportation. In my experience, people with money don't like living in these types of towns. Most Northern New Jersian natives would probably do it this way... in your situation. Plan on taking public transportation to work. There is a light rail system that connects the Hoboken train station to Weehawken. http://www.njtransit.com/images/sf_tr_rail_map_small.jpg Look North or West. Morris county and Northern Bergen County is where people with money tend to like.. I can answer specific questions if you have them. |
Re: places to live near weehawken new jersey
From: mrdesign-ga on 12 Nov 2004 17:57 PST |
Hi!!! I am a north NJ native!!! :) I found your question to be most interesting to answer. I actually lived in North Arlington, NJ (Bergen county) it is about 20-25 minutes from NYC. Buses are easy to catch there, the town is small, clean, and quiet. It has a WONDERFUL view (on one side of the town) of NYC skyline. It's main popuation is filled with older people, and house prices can be resonable. However, I would recommend buying ASAP, as prices are always on the rise since it is so close to NYC. Good luck on finding a home! :) Mr.Design |
Re: places to live near weehawken new jersey
From: kbob112-ga on 25 Nov 2004 15:28 PST |
I also live in North Arlington, NJ. It's a nice place and the school systems are pretty good. The only complaint that I have is high taxes. I live in a pretty small size home and pay taxes around $8,000. A lot of places to rent is also expensive, but I guess you'll find that everywhere. Good luck whatever you may do. |
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