The doctor's full name is given in Marquis Who's Who as Robert
Volpeacute, though he is listed on a number of websites as Robert
Volpe and Robert Volpé.
Found using Biography Resource Center, available in many academic and
public libraries, and you can obtain the full biography article in a
nearby library or online, if you have a library card. I include below
the points you mention.
"Robert Volpeacute." Marquis Who's Who TM. Marquis Who's Who, 2004.
Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich.: The
Gale Group. 2004.
Birth: March 6, 1926 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Occupation: Endocrinologist, researcher, educator
Education: MD, U. Toronto, 1950.
Positions Held:
physician-in-chief, Wellesley Hosp., 1974-87;
dir. endocrinology rsch. lab., Wellesley Hosp., 1968-97;
active staff, St. Michael's Hosp., Toronto, 2000;
active staff, Wellesley Hosp., Toronto, 1966-2000;
attending staff, St. Joseph's Hosp., Toronto, 1957-66;
chmn. centennial com., U. Toronto, 1987-88;
dir. divsn. endocrinology and metabolism, U. Toronto, 1987-92;
prof. emeritus, U. Toronto, 1992;
prof., U. Toronto, 1974-1992;
from asst. prof. to prof., U. Toronto, 1962-1974;
McPhedran fellow, U. Toronto, 1957-65;
sr. rsch. fellow dept. medicine, U. Toronto, 1957-62;
NRC fellow, U. Toronto, 1955-57;
fellow in endocrinology, U. Toronto, 1952-53;
resident in internal medicine, U. Toronto, 1951-52, 53-55;
intern, U. Toronto, 1950-51.
Career-Related: trans-Atlantic vis. prof. Caledonia Endocrine Soc.,
1985; Hashimoto Meml. lectr. Kyushu U., Fukuoka, Japan, 1992;
K.J.R. Wightman vis. prof. Royal Coll. Physicians, Can., 1994;
celebratory lectr. commemorating 200th anniversary of birth of Robert
Graves, Dublin, Ireland, 1996.
I hope this is useful. Let me know if I can be of further assistance. jdb-ga |