I asked this question before, but didn't get an answer, even after I
bumped up the price. I'm resubmitting it in hopes that it will get
greater visibility as a new question and bumped up the price again.
To see the original thread, please go to:
Here is the original question, thanks for any help you can give me:
My wife and I were thinking of killing two birds with one stone for
our vacation this summer by going some place exotic but also trying to
do some service/volunteer work while we were at it. A long time ago I
had bookmarked a website for a company that organized such trips,
however, I have since lost the bookmark for some reason. So, I wanted
some help in finding companies that organize such trips. Here are my
basic criteria:
-- Must be reputable (tried and true, actually do good work, etc, etc.)
-- Must be reasonably priced (not sure what the typical rate is for
these things, but I guess what I mean is reasonable relative to
-- Must offer a variety of causes to work for (e.g. environmental, social, etc.)
-- Must offer a variety of locations to work in
I've only use Google Answers a few times but have gotten great
results, so thanks in advance! |