Percentage of C Corporations
Category: Business and Money > Accounting Asked by: tflan-ga List Price: $10.00 |
13 Nov 2004 18:41 PST
Expires: 13 Dec 2004 18:41 PST Question ID: 428618 |
What percentage of companies in the US (or California) are C Corporations? Ideally, I'd like a breakdown of the percentage of C Corporations; S Corporations; and LLC's. | |
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Re: Percentage of C Corporations
Answered By: pafalafa-ga on 14 Nov 2004 09:01 PST |
tflan-ga, According to the 2002 annual report (the most recent available) of the California Franchise Tax Board: http://www.ftb.ca.gov/aboutftb/annrpt/2002/2002ar.pdf the following data -- found in the table "How Businesses Report Income in California" -- describe the breakdown of business tax returns in California for 2001: S corporations...........202,076 C corporations...........317,980 LLC's.....................96,731 Partnerships, LP's, &LLP's...........188,096 Sole Proprietorships...2,159,196 The report also provides additional details about the amount of profit or loss reported by these various categories, as well as other categories such as Estates, Tax Exempt Organizations, and so forth. I didn't provide percents -- as your question originally asked -- since the percents would depend greatly on what categories of organizations were included/excluded in your calculations. However, let me know if you would like be to pursue this further. There does not seem to be similar breakdowns available at the federal level, although the IRS does report on the number of S-corporations that annually file tax returns...again, let me know if this of interest to you. I trust this information fully meets your needs. But before rating this answer, please let me know if you need any additional information. Just post a Request for Clarification, and I'll be glad to assist you further. Cheers, pafalafa-ga search strategy -- Google search on: [ california corporations statistics "s corporation" "c corporation" llc ] |
Re: Percentage of C Corporations
From: markj-ga on 14 Nov 2004 10:43 PST |
tflan -- As I noted in my clarification request, there are indeed breakdowns of LLC and S corporation filings at the federal level (and a way to derive the number of C Corporation filings). Also, the percentages of each type of filing entity can be derived (at least fairly reliably) at both the federal and state level. And, of course, the 2001 California information provided above is the same data that I referenced in my clarification request. If pafalafa-ga does not come up with the rest of the information you have requested, I am still ready and able to provide it, if you care to post a separate question. markj-ga |
Re: Percentage of C Corporations
From: markj-ga on 14 Nov 2004 13:02 PST |
tflan -- I am going to be available only sporadically for the next week, so I am going to post my essential information in summary form now, and I am sure that pafalafa-ga will be able to answer any questions you might have about it. First, to complete the information on LLCs, here is a link to a PDF file from the IRS's website that contains data on the total federal partnership returns filed by domestic limited liability companies (LLCs). Data is provided for each year from 1991-2001: IRS: Number of Partnerships by Type of Entity and Profit Status, Tax Years 1991-2001 http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-soi/01partnr.pdf This information is found in Table 1 on page 9 of the document. The textual material on LLCs begins on page 8. The number of LLCs nationwide as indicated by this table may be slightly understated because single-owner LLCs and LLCs made up of only a single individual or corporation do not file the "partnership reporting forms" that are tallied in the above-cited report. The most common type of LLC, though, is multiple-owner, and the large majority of those file these partnership forms. Thus this number should be taken as an approximation on the low side of a nationwide total. Here is a link to an IRS source for this information: IRS: Tax Issues for Limited Liability Companies http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p3402.pdf California treats LLCs for tax purposes the same way that the IRS does, so the California data provided by pafalafa-ga may be comparable to the IRS data provided above. Here is a summary of California tax reporting treatment of LLCs: "Pass-Through Taxation. Federal tax law normally treats an LLC like a partnership, unless the LLC elects to be taxed as a corporation (by filing IRS Form 8832 -- see Section A2, above). The California Franchise Tax Board treats a California LLC for state income tax purposes as it is treated for federal income tax purposes. . . "If an LLC is treated as a partnership at the federal and state levels, it files standard partnership tax returns (IRS Form 1065, Schedules K and K-1) with the IRS and state, and the LLC members (owners) pay taxes on their share of LLC profits on their individual income tax returns. An LLC that elects corporate tax treatment files federal and state corporate income tax returns." Nolo.com: How to Form Your Own California Corporation http://www.nolo.com/lawstore/products/product.cfm/ObjectID/36587766-936D-4BD0-8AD85D5DB13B6416/sampleChapter/2 As for federal data on S Corporations and C Corporations, here is a linked site with a breakdown of the number of tax returns filed by both tyoes of entities for each year from 1978-2000: House of Representative: BACKGROUND AND PROPOSALS RELATING TO S CORPORATIONS (Staff Report of the Joint Committee on Taxation http://www.house.gov/jct/x-62-03.pdf The information is found in that document in "Table 1.--Number of Different Types of Business Returns Relative to All Business Returns, 1978-2000," on page 11. I hope that this information is useful to you. markj-ga |
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