Request for Question Clarification by
04 Jan 2006 08:30 PST
As Tutuzdad says, it is almost surely lost:
" I am sorry to report that in almost all cases this is impossible to
recover. There are the few exceptions, but none of the experts that I
have talked with hold much hope. The only way a tape can be recovered
is if the machine erasing it did not live up to its design
specifications which were to completely erase the tape.
In some data applications, erased data can be recovered, but in analog
recording the most one can hope for is a former shadow of the original
recording. If you can get anything, it might be enough to transcribe
the text. This, however, is theoretical, and I've never seen a case
where anything was recovered from an erased analog audio tape
(cassette or reel).
To put this in perspective, the government still has found no one who
can recover the 18-1/2 minute gap in the Nixon Watergate tape. They
ran a test in 2002-2003 with tapes similar to the Watergate tape and
recorded and erased on the same or similar machines. They decided that
no one showed enough promise during these trials to warrant letting
them try the real thing."
However, as mentioned before, I have a name. The guy hasn't gotten
back to me, but he's in Cleveland, and if he can't do it, no-one can -
he's a national expert. Can I trust you, that if I give you the name
here, and he turns can deliver the service, you'd let me post it as an
answer and get paid?
His name:
Audio Restoration Services,
13308 Enterprise Avenue,
Cleveland, OH 44135-5106, USA
(00 1 216-433 1220; fax 00 1 216-433 1223)