Dear sea2see,
I found several sources that would help you clarify the meaning of
ais-a and ais-b.
Each mainframe computer that is maintained by Administrative
Information Services is named when it goes into production. The names
are not random. They are chosen to let the user know that it is an AIS
computer that they are using, and to differentiate among the
computers, which facilitates communication about them. Normally,
several application systems reside on each computer, and the specific
application is accessed by using a login for that system. For example,
a user may type ais-a at the login prompt. That acceses a unix
(operating system) based computer that houses many application
systems. Then, using a tms... login, the user can accesss the
Telecommunications Management System which resides on the computer
named ais-a. An sms... login would access the Space Management System,
another application residing on ais-a, etc.
University of Southern California
The differences of a and b are outlined on page 7 of the following
site. You will have to scroll down.
University of Southern California- Using Your Access
Basically, ais-b is only used for paperless requisitions that require
the P operator code, according to the University of Southern
You may also find this site helpful:
Guidelines- University of California
The following information is taken from:
Penn State University
It is another helpful site that you may want to visit.
As a unit of Information Technology Services (ITS), AIS participates
in the development, maintenance, and secure operation of the
state-of-the-art applications using centralized student, business, and
alumni databases.
Using google, yahoo, and excite search engines, I did not find many
results that matched ais-a and ais-b. Many sources were irrelevant,
since the letters stand for varies companies and terms. All of the
sites that seem helpful are listed above. During my research, I began
to question what you meant by core features and differences. I first
assumed that it was the differences between ais-a and ais-b. The core
features give an explanation of what the AIS system provides in
general, as well as ais-a and ais-b. If my interpretation differs from
yours, or if you would like more sources, please contact me. However,
I assure you that I have searched thoroughly.
My search strategy:
financial systems ais-b ais-a
I hope that this information helps.
Best regards,
ukiguy |