Hello johnq2,
According to Music Trades Magazine Journal, there are an estimated
200,000 piano teachers in the United States.
?With an estimated 200,000 piano teachers handling an average of 27
students each, for a total of 5.2 million piano students, it's not
surprising that piano music is one of the most important product
categories in the print music industry. Richard Rejino of Brook Mays
Print Music in Dallas and Lisa Shannon of Music & Arts in Rockville,
Maryland, addressed the issue of how to more effectively serve the
market in a particularly well attended convention seminar. Drawing on
their experience managing print sales in multiple locations, Rejino
and Shannon outlined a success strategy based in equal parts on proper
staffing and well targeted...?
Publisher: Music Trades Corp.
Volume: 148 Issue: 5 Page: 87
Search criteria:
?Number of piano teachers?
20,000..500,000 piano teachers
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |