Where I can find "shower shoes" that you slip on and have "bristles"
on the insole, so that you are walking on the "bristles" side when you
wear them? I've seen them in Europe but no store in U.S. seems to carry them.
childrens' size preferred. Thanks. |
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Nov 2004 14:44 PST
When you say "bristles on the insole," do you mean reflexology insoles, like these?
Also, it would be helpful to know precisely what size you need.
Clarification of Question by
16 Nov 2004 09:43 PST
Pinkfreud-ga you rock! Yes, I do mean reflexology-type insoles -- I
never made the connection between the bristles and reflexology. The
shoes are something my autistic son loves to wear as he craves the
sensory input, and he outgrew the pair I bought from Europe a few
years ago. His size now is a boys' size 13 or 1, but I could take
somehitng bigger as he only wears them around the house, in case you
can't find a kids verison of them. Still, I know someone, somewhere
on this earth makes them in kids size, as I bought his first pair as a
toddler's size 6. Thanks so much for your efforts -- you are on the
way to making one 7-year-old child very happy and comfortable!
Request for Question Clarification by
16 Nov 2004 10:49 PST
I am amazed that reflexology-insole sandals seem to be so rare in
children's sizes.
Surprisingly, Amazon.com carries them:
The same shoe is also available from FogDog:
Does this shoe meet your needs? If so, I'll be pleased to post it as
your answer. If not, of course, I'll keep looking.
Request for Question Clarification by
16 Nov 2004 11:28 PST
Here's another style of shoe from Adidas:
Clarification of Question by
16 Nov 2004 17:29 PST
Pinkfreud you nailed it! The second and fourth references were just
great. You have made a mother very happy. Thanks and yes, register
this is a completed request.