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Q: newspaper article ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   3 Comments )
Subject: newspaper article
Category: Reference, Education and News
Asked by: bubbe1809-ga
List Price: $4.50
Posted: 15 Nov 2004 15:08 PST
Expires: 15 Dec 2004 15:08 PST
Question ID: 429429
How do I get a copy of the article on Brett Favre written by Michael 
Wilbon and printed in the Washington Post on Saturday, October 30, 

Request for Question Clarification by pinkfreud-ga on 15 Nov 2004 15:20 PST
Is this the article you're looking for?

"The Man With The Golden Arm

 By Michael Wilbon
 Saturday, October 30, 2004; Page D01 

How is it possible that Brett Favre has never played in Washington,
not at RFK, not at FedEx Field, not in the preseason, not the regular
season, not the playoffs? How dare the quirky NFL scheduling system
give Washington the Atlanta Falcons and the sad-sack Detroit Lions so
many times over the years, but never the indestructible and
incandescent Favre?..."

(In order to read the article linked above, you may need to register
with the Washington Post website. Registration is free.)

Please let me know whether or not this is the correct article. If it
is, I'll be pleased to repost it as your answer. If it isn't, I'll
keep looking.

Clarification of Question by bubbe1809-ga on 15 Nov 2004 15:34 PST
yes that is the article. Renee
Subject: Re: newspaper article
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 15 Nov 2004 15:43 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars

I'm pleased to have been able to help you find your article. I've
reposted the link below.

The Washington Post: The Man With The Golden Arm

This is the Google search string that led me to the article:

Google Web Search: "washington post" "brett favre" "october 30 2004"

Best regards,
bubbe1809-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $1.00
I appreciate the completeness of the answer as well as the quickness.
It is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks

Subject: Re: newspaper article
From: markj-ga on 15 Nov 2004 15:34 PST
Wilbon is a columnist for the post, not a reporter.  Wilbon would not
have two columns published about Favre in the same edition, so the one
pinkfreud-ga found has to be the right one.
Subject: Re: newspaper article
From: pinkfreud-ga on 16 Nov 2004 10:37 PST
Thank you for the five-star rating and the tip!

Subject: Re: newspaper article
From: bubbe1809-ga on 16 Nov 2004 20:43 PST
Thanks for making the distinction between a columnist and a reporter
but I am afraid I still don't understand.  Michaael Wilpon is the
author of the article. How do I know if that makes him a reporter or a
columnist?  Is a reporter able to have two articles in the same
edition of a newspaper but a columnist isn't? I guess I am splitting
hairs but I just never thought much about this distinction. 
Columnists have a larger circulation (national perhaps) and a
reporters work appears in one paper.  At any rate it was the right
article and for some silly reason the only sports section of the Post
for over three weeks that was not saved in my home.  I was also
fortunate to be at the game with ground level seats and observe up
close and first hand what the article said.  I appreciate your help
and like google answers. I am going to use it a lot.

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