Request for Question Clarification by
16 Nov 2004 17:14 PST
Hello mezzie1-ga,
I had noticed this question when you had posted an earlier version of
it a while ago, and had looked for the type of data you asked for.
So far, I haven't had any success finding data sets that track job
growth or employment by sales or market cap.
The closest I've come to a good, detailed economic metric is data for
2001 that shows employment data as follows:
Employment..........................................Annual Payroll
size of firm...Firms...Establishments...Employment....($1,000)
0.............703,837.....705,612.........---.......... 34,289,996
The firm size increases in chunks of five employees at a time (15-19,
20-24, etc) up to 100 employees, then covers larger chunks -- e.g.
100-499, 500-999, etc.
In case the above table isn't clear, it indicates that -- for
companies with 5-9 employees:
--there are 1.019 million such firms in the US in 2001 (or 1.033
million "establishments" -- a slightly different defnition than
--and they collectively employ 6.698 million workers,
--with a combined annual payroll of $134.093 million.
Would this sort of data meet your needs?
Let me know.