Lets see where to start....
First with a little vocab - there is no word "depotentiate", the
correct terms set of terms would be potentiate and inhibit, or excite
and inhibit, or depolarize and hyperpolarize.
Yes, the reason we have multiple neurotransmitters is due to selective
advantage. No, this is not unique to vertebrates. ACh, DA, and GABA
are some great examples. There is a huge body of literature using
Aplysia as a model for human learning and memory. So while taking the
stance that there are multiple NT's because nature selected for it is
correct, but it isn't good enough. The interesting question is WHY
nature selected for it (see my original answer). With regrads to NT
release - its not enzymatically controlled per se. NT synthesis is
another story - and the synthetic pathways for the monoamines are very
similar - they all involve hydroxylation (adding an -OH group) and
decarboxylation (removing a COOH group). Dopamine, Norepinepherine,
and Epinepherine all share the same pathway. NT release is regulated
quite simply by calcium concentration. The binding of calcium to
synaptotagmin is the crucial key in the release of the SNARE-SNARE
complex (proteins that attach a vessicle filled with NT to the cell
membrane) resulting in exocytosis of the NT.
It is not correct to speak of NT's encoding information in and of
themselves. They as I said either cause an IPSP or an EPSP (or in some
cases the transcription of a protein). Their results do sum though.
This is part of the interesting relationship seen in the Striatum
between D1, D2 dopamine receptors on neurons with colocalized
Glutamate receptors. In the case where a cell is heavily stimulated
via Glutamate, dopamine acting on D1 receptors will potentiate the
current, while acting on D2 receptors will decrease the current. So in
some regard information can be conveyed by the NTs. For example,
cofiring of neurons in the locus corouleus and cortex to certain other
neurons can result in the synthesis of Substance P, a peptide NT,
wheras had only the glutamatergic info from cortex been received,
Substance P would not have been synthesised.
Ultimately though, the summation of IPSPs and EPSPs is the important
part of the system - its either GO or NO-GO. So certainly given a
neuron X, that recieves excitatory input from A, B, and C and
inhibitory input from D and E will integrate the information - the net
result being either an action potential or not.
The idea that "neurons that fire together, wire together" as proposed
by Donald Hebb is the theory that underlies a lot of neural
processing. So, the point is, neurons do integrative work - A neuron
in the amygdala for example might be reciving thalamic sensory input
about a fearful stimuli, this same neuron could also be getting info
from the cortex to inhibit the firing - hence blocking the fear
Don't think that its all clear, because it isn't, but we do know a lot
more than Andrew might have you believe.
A great example is the visual system. The work that won Hubel and
Weisel thier nobel prize was on the structural organization of the
visual pathway. They show through single cell recording (where an
electrode measures the firing of a single neuron) the differential
responses from photoreceptors, retinal ganglion cells, magno and
parvocellular layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus (the nucleus in
the thalamus where visual information is relayed) and from striate
cortex. The visual system shows a clear hierachical processing that
is relativly straight forward to understand. We can see clearly how
the interactions allow us to be sensative to points of light, to
lines, to line orientation, to line movement. Its really quite
With regards to your question about circulating hormones and
corralaries in the nervous system - its a really interesting one.
Andrew is correct that it is likely that part of the reason NTs and
hormones are sometimes the same is efficiency. However, do not
underestimate the utility of divergent targets of release. Again, CRF
in the locus coeruleus and CRF in the pituitary may have different
results, but they both deal with stress reactivity.
I will first point out that elevated levels of CRF are present in the
CSF of depressed individuals - however, this correlation isn't
It is dangerous to think of peripheral hormones as an indicator of
brain state. Let me give an example. CRF is released from the
hypothalamus to the pituitary, but it is also released by nuclei in
the brainstem and in other areas including the amygdala. When a
stressor is presented, these neurons do not necessarily co-fire. Now
that it is clear that the two don't necessarily have to be connected
in terms of firing and release, it is important to realize that yes,
circulating hormones can and do have an effect on the brain. CRF
doesn't provide negative feedback, but the product that it ultimately
results in does - Cortisol rapidly crosses the blood brain barrier
inhibiting CRF release and ACTH release at the levels of the
hypothalamus and anterior pituitary. So circulating hormones can
directly have effects on central neurons.
So a final summary if I may. Neurons that are recipients of NTs can
have specifically encoded information from those NTs but the general
case is that they are responding to a summation of IPSPs and EPSPs.
Circulating hormones can act on the nervous system, but just because a
circulating level of hormone is high, and that hormone also acts as an
NT at times doesn't mean the two are linked.
Well, I've slightly lost track of what I've said thus far, so I'm
going to go ahead and post this response. FYI, I am not a google
answerer, this information comes at no charge, I enjoy teaching what I
can about neuroscience - as a neuroscience student my eventual goals
are to continue my research, get an MD and PhD and eventually teach,
practice and research. So, I am more than willing to respond further.
All the best;
Patrick |