I am a attorney 3 years out of practice, and I was looking to work internationally.
My question is: What does one need to do to get a job as a trial
attorney at the International Criminal Court? How about an attorney
position anywhere for the United Nations and/or its affiliated
I sent them an application electronically, and received a curt,
automated response. Am I way out of my league? Do I need to speak
French (I'm about to sign up for French lessons)? Are the types of
people who get these positions typically international trial attorneys
from elite, Ivy League schools (I'm from University of Southern
California, Law School)?
I guess an answer would be complete if it gives me a realistic sense
of what it takes to be working at the U.N. or ICC as an attorney; i.e.
does one need to be published, renowned, have contacts, be
'international.' An answer would be even better if it opened my eyes
to other cool possibilities abroad - places, governments,
organizations, that could use an attorney from California.
Oh, researcher: If you think more money would help, let me know...I
don't know how to gauge the price of these things! Thanks... |