Specific demographics needed:
Gender: a) Men, b) Women
A. a) Hispanic or Latino, b) Not Hispanic or Latino
B. Race:
a. White or European American
b. African American
c. Asian American/Pacific Islander
d. American Indian/Native American
e. Multiethnic
f. Other
[Note: figures that include Latinos as another racial group are acceptable.]
We need these demographics for the following groups:
1. All U.S. smokers above 18 years of age
2. All U.S. smokers above 18 years of age who have indicated they have
attempted to quit
3. All U.S. smokers above 18 years of age who have sought assistance
to quit (e.g., self-help materials, counseling, nicotine replacement
therapy, etc.)
4. All U.S. smokers who use the Internet
a. At home
b. Out of the home (work, school, etc.)
c. Overall (total across home or out of home)
5. All U.S. individuals who use the Internet (so we can compare to
smokers who use the Internet)
a. At home
b. Out of the home (work, school, etc.)
c. Overall (total across home or out of home) |