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Best or top 2 pheromone products to attract women
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships Asked by: alanrudy-ga List Price: $20.00 |
07 Jan 2006 05:05 PST
Expires: 06 Feb 2006 05:05 PST Question ID: 430299 |
Hello, I have been reading and doing research on pheromones and I want to buy a product but I don't know which one to buy. I want to buy the best pheromone product. I define best as most effective and also as rated highest by the most people (but from credible sources, not a bogus site/source). Here are a few sites below to help you get started. It was hard to figure out from these different websites which product is best. I've done research on pheromones and how they work so you don't need to explain that to me unless you are using it as part of your case in explaining the best pheromone product. Price for the product doesn't matter that much because all the products seem to be between $50 and $150 and that is not that much of a difference. Thank you. http://www.mindspring.com/~bupper1/pheromones_1.htm (good site, but only one person's review so hard to trust). http://www.human-pheremones.com/pheremone-product-reviews.htm (I think the pheromone store link on this website is bogus because the reviews for the products are 2 years old and are all in the same couple of months). http://www.pheromonereviewsite.com/ ://www.google.com/answers/threadview?id=148808 (this is a past google answer on this topic which is good for a $2 answer but I am paying more and narrowing it down just to product guidance and want something stronger and more complete) http://www.luvessentials.com/pheromones_men.html http://www.human-pheromone-reviews.com/products.html http://www.pheromonereviewsite.com/ |
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Re: Best or top 2 pheromone products to attract women
From: daniel2d-ga on 08 Jan 2006 20:30 PST |
Instead of the pheromone product try to impress them with your intellect. The scent thing will not work if all the other signals are negative. |
Re: Best or top 2 pheromone products to attract women
From: alanrudy-ga on 08 Jan 2006 21:49 PST |
Thanks for the comment. Intellect is important but not as important as attraction is in picking up girls, lol, jk. Who said anything about all the other signals being negative? |
Re: Best or top 2 pheromone products to attract women
From: myoarin-ga on 09 Jan 2006 09:15 PST |
One of my roommates in college 45 years ago said to keep a handkerchief in your armpit for a day and then use it on your date, even better, let her use it. He was the same one who was later said to have written spurious references to his papers, but he graduated in good standing. |
Re: Best or top 2 pheromone products to attract women
From: ericsays-ga on 09 Jan 2006 20:03 PST |
Loren Pickart, PhD tested a number of commercially available products. He found none of them were effective. His research showed that "plant pheromones" worked better. He suggests Jasmine, Nutmeg, Patchouli for attracting women. |
Re: Best or top 2 pheromone products to attract women
From: meanjoegreen-ga on 14 Jan 2006 18:07 PST |
this stuff doesn't work. girls want confendense and comedy. a good bottle of colongne can go a along way though |
Re: Best or top 2 pheromone products to attract women
From: batmanbeyond-ga on 31 Jan 2006 14:12 PST |
Hello, These items don't working in picking up women. Picking up women is in the amount women you ask and the amount women that turn you down. Example 1 - percentage is gained, when you ask 20 women out, and 1 says yes. The only thing that pheromones do is that it gives you the confidence to approach a woman that was already looking at you (You're probably thinking, wow this crap really works!!). Example 2, when a woman gives a glace at you and you make eye contact with her, you chances of getting her just went up and add a smile to that, the door has just open up, just enough to slide your foot in. Then it's all up to you, trust me personality goes a long way. |
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