I need total darkness in my bedroom. There are these "blinds" (but
they're not really blinds, per se) that you install over your window
that totally seal out the light.
There's a name for these things and if I knew it, I could search on it
and would have a bunch advertisers clamoring to sell them to me. I
know, because I stumbled across it, but forgot to bookmark it! Drat!
So... what are these? Please find 2-4 online retailers that sell a
product that will create total darkness in my room... not even a
little sliver of light. The product will totally seal out light from
a single window in my room that is 3.5 feet by 6 feet.
Thank you. |
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Nov 2004 13:45 PST
If I understand your needs, you're looking for opaque "blackout"
shades such as Graber's CrystalPleat Cocoon shades:
If this is the kind of product you want, I'll be glad to look for
similar lines from other manufacturers. If this isn't what you're
looking for, a few more details would be helpful.
Clarification of Question by
17 Nov 2004 14:01 PST
Blackout. That sounds familiar, but not a bullseye.
Ultimately, whatever makes my room completely blackedout at the lowest
cost and hassle (it doesn't have to look purty*) is what I'm after.
The links you provided don't really seem quite right, mainly because
it isn't obvious to me how exactly these products black out the light.
In fact, I don't exactly see how the linked pages' products are
designed specifically for it.
What I'm envisioning isn't really a "shade" or "blind" or "curtain" at
all. It's more like a thick sheet that's anchored via, say, Velcro to
the surrounding wall around the window. This way, the light-blocking
surface completely covers the entire window installation, including
the moulding.
In case it isn't obvious, a product like what I'm describing isn't
something that you'd open in the morning and close at night... you'd
just leave it always on/dark.
* but taping up black trash bags is a little TOO unpretty. :-)
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Nov 2004 14:04 PST
There are blackout products that are designed for photographic
darkrooms. In fact, my home darkroom uses such a product on a window.
Would that sort of thing be suitable?
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Nov 2004 14:09 PST
The darkroom blinds listed here are typical of the kind of thing I
referred to, above:
Clarification of Question by
17 Nov 2004 18:45 PST
That novadarkroom product is definitely the idea. I'm sure there are
comparable products and vendors...?
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Nov 2004 18:48 PST
I'm certain I can find other vendors of darkroom blackout material for
you. It would help to know your nation of residence, since
international shipping can be a hassle.
Clarification of Question by
17 Nov 2004 20:34 PST
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Nov 2004 20:46 PST
Here are some darkroom blackout products:
"C.P.M. BlackOut Cloth
Heavy opaque, 6mm plastic cloth.
Covers wall, counters, doors. Triple
carbon black assures total darkness.
Can be trimmed, stapled or taped. Use
anywhere light is a problem. Reusable.
CPM-13620..2 ft x 16ft roll?.$11.95
CPM- 13630..4 ft x 16 ft roll?.17.95"
Several options from Porter's Camera Store:
Clarification of Question by
17 Nov 2004 22:08 PST
The C.P.M. roll of cloth fits the bill. Cheap and simple. Post it
as the answer and I'll close the question. Later, I may go for the
Thanks a lot.