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Major benefits of religion
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: siliconsamurai-ga List Price: $5.00 |
07 Jan 2006 14:07 PST
Expires: 12 Jan 2006 04:38 PST Question ID: 430442 |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: Major benefits of religion
From: irlandes-ga on 07 Jan 2006 15:16 PST |
I for one don't relate to your question as it is presented. Your title refers to benefits of religion, then you give a long list of events. Events are not necessarily identical to benefits. I know a lot of religious people, and the main benefit for them is to deal with the fear of death, and to help explain suffering. Perhaps others can make the switch between benefits and events. |
Re: Major benefits of religion
From: siliconsamurai-ga on 07 Jan 2006 15:36 PST |
Well, I listed a lot of events which include or reduce suffering, so how about working on that basis? |
Re: Major benefits of religion
From: zepherum-ga on 07 Jan 2006 18:04 PST |
Your question is dubious because you mention all benefits or non-benefits caused by people's character, not religion. 911 and some terrorism is caused by criminals who claim to be muslims (oxymoron) Deaths in Hajj, could have been a sunday soccer game in Brazil in an old stadium, nothing to do with religion. Crusades were caused by fanatical minds manipulated by those in power for political purposes. (still done to this day) All these Events are first caused by People's good or bad judgement, whom are either, of good or evil nature, creative or destructive, passionate or contempt etc. So that they claim to be followers of a religion or ideology is only secondary to their character. Religions overall are beneficial for moral and spiritual development when interpreted in good faith. list of benefits: A sense of Gratefulness and appreciation for life. A sense of balance in life, between what is good for us and what is not. Family Values and Morals are preserved. A reflective character to understand life. Charity and Kindness without discrimination. An apathy to vicious and destructive lives. etc etc To allegorize, Religion or an Ideology is like a car, it can be faulty or flawless and it can take you where you think you need to go, but what mostly matters is who the driver is and how the driving is. Zero |
Re: Major benefits of religion
From: geof-ga on 07 Jan 2006 18:41 PST |
As your list implies, religion has been, and still is, responsible for many evils; and has NOT been involved in many beneficial scientific and technical developments. Personally, I think the world would now be a better place if the major organised religions faded away. Nevertheless, your list excludes the one area - the arts - where religion has undoubtedly benefited mankind. Religious faith from the ancient Egyptians and Greeks onwards has inspired masterpieces of painting, sculpture, architecture, literature and music; and indeed for centuries was the main driving force of the visual arts. (I suspect you only included Leonardo da Vinci because you thought of him in terms of his technical inventions; and forgot about his religious works such as the Last Supper and Virgin of the Rocks. |
Re: Major benefits of religion
From: siliconsamurai-ga on 08 Jan 2006 03:29 PST |
Good points both Zepherum and Geof |
Re: Major benefits of religion
From: frankcorrao-ga on 09 Jan 2006 10:13 PST |
I am perhaps the least biggest fan of religion ever. However, if we are going to be even-handed about it, we must admit that religion has inspired some good. Geof's point about the arts is a very good one. I would point out that religion has been a driving force for many charitable works. The Salvation Army is a religious organization, for instance. Islam demands charity as a core tenet. I would argue that man's highly evolved sense of empathy is the real driving force of charity, but religion's positive role in this area cannot be denied. |
Re: Major benefits of religion
From: myoarin-ga on 10 Jan 2006 07:48 PST |
I am sure the article was more enlightening than the question. ;) Seems to me like many things on the list are only remotely related to religion, if at all - plus or minus - like the inventions and medical developments. Also can't really see how WW II and holocaust are involved; sure the Jews suffered, but more for racial and economic reasons. What about the 30 Years War, The Roundheads in England, forced conversion of N. and S. American Indians (maybe missionaries everywhere - and of every religion), but on the other hand, the Muslims in the early Middle Ages brought much classical knowledge and philosophy to the West. Persecution of the Hugenottes in France, the Reconquista in Spain, Chinese persecution of Roman Catholics, ... Cheers, Myoarin |
Re: Major benefits of religion
From: alex101-ga on 11 Jan 2006 14:20 PST |
I think it is a good thing to differentiate between "religion" and "religions." The former being a belief system people use to try to connect with the Devine and the latter being the organized groups people form purportedly for the same purpose but often are used for ulterior motives. If you don't, you just get another article that points out various acts done by individuals or groups and attributes them to religion in general which, I think, is terribly inaccurate and unfair. |
Re: Major benefits of religion
From: siliconsamurai-ga on 12 Jan 2006 04:38 PST |
Thank you all for your contributions but I don't seem to be getting any additional pro-religion ideas (it should be obvious that the way to generate such comments is to ask a provocative question). Art was a useful suggestion. Suggestions that Muslims are criminals was NOT useful, nor was the obvious misunderstanding about how most deaths occur during the Hajj (accidents). The fact that the Crusades were mostly endorsed by mainstream Christians, including many Popes, was aparently missed, but that too would have been on the negative side and I was looking for positive aspects. I don't think you can tie appreciation for life to any particular religion, nor charity, nor many other cited "benefits." I guess the car analogy is also useful but on the other side - cars can also run you over. Finally, I didn't notice anyone pointing out that many important scientists in the "Western" world have been ministers, or that monasteries were responsible for saving most written history during the dark ages, or that a monk discovered and proved the basics of genetics, or that many hospitals have been built by religious organizations. Anyway, the column has been filed so it is time to close this. |
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