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How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships Asked by: ultimateapocalypse-ga List Price: $10.00 |
17 Nov 2004 22:35 PST
Expires: 22 Nov 2004 23:37 PST Question ID: 430518 |
I have recently met a girl I like at school. Problem is, I don't know how to ask her out and wheather or not I can ask her our or get her phone number at the current stage. Here's some background info I would like to share with you. I am an Asian and she is Caucasian. That is, I don't know what the western convention is and all the thoughts, both my own and my friends', are based on asian culture. We have been having short talks over the last couple of weeks. Most of the times we talk about how we are doing in our courses. Occasionally I asked her what does she do on weekends or what type of movie she likes. From my point of view, I am the one who always start the conversation, which to me is like that she isn't quite interested in me. She almost always stays with her friends from highschool, so it is quite difficult for me to get in that little circle. As far as I can tell, I don't see a chance to get into that circle. I could go to her when she goes to study or work on her assignments but I am not sure if that would feel like an invasion of her privacy because it would probably feel like that I am folloing her wherever she goes. I am not sure, at this stage, if asking her our is appropriate. Or, perhaps, I should get her phone number or MSN first before ask her out? My friends said that she would probably feel quite weird if I ask her out or try to get her phone/MSN because we do not know each other that well yet. What do you suggest me to do? What is the western convention? Is asking her out or getting her phone/MSN at the current stage appropriate? Or should I get to know her, as well as get her to know me, a little more before asking for her phone number? Thanks! |
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Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: probonopublico-ga on 18 Nov 2004 06:33 PST |
Western gals are VERY GOOD at letting guys know of their interest. If you are not getting the right vibes then the girl probably only sees you as a friend. Don't worry, she'll send you some clear signals once you catch her interest. Have you thought of standing under her window and serenading her? |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: elizabethdeveer-ga on 18 Nov 2004 07:26 PST |
Please do not serenade her. That won't help. Nothing public at this point. You can do that later, but only if you are John Cusak. :) If you are taking short walks with her and asking her what she likes to do, what movies she likes, that's a good start. If she seems receptive to the walks and does not try to find ways to avoid talking to you, then she might be open to getting to know you better. I think you should continue your walks and keep getting to know her. When you are ready, when you feel more comfortable with her, there should be no problem asking her for her number. Western society values honesty above all else, so once you get to know her better, let her know that you are not sure about US dating rules and then ask her to a movie or something that is in line with her interests. Good luck!! |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: steph53-ga on 18 Nov 2004 08:09 PST |
I would love it if a man stood under my window and serenaded me :) Steph53 |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: ultimateapocalypse-ga on 18 Nov 2004 08:12 PST |
Thanks for the input. I was the one who always start a conversation. She never seemed to try to get out of a conversation but she, so far, never took the initiative to talk to me. Does that mean she's sending a signal saying that she's not too interested in me? Also, is it ok to go where she goes between classes. Would that make her feel like I am spying on her? |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: probonopublico-ga on 18 Nov 2004 08:23 PST |
Hi Steph Please keep your eyes and ears open tonight ... And you just might hear a soaring baritone voice accompanied by a small guitar. When you do, take a look out of your bedroom window ... And you might see a handsome Harlequin-type figure standing outside ... Up to his eyeballs in snow ... You seem to have forgotten what the weather's like in Toronto at this time of year ... Please be more careful. The Wandering Minstrel. |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: ultimateapocalypse-ga on 18 Nov 2004 08:44 PST |
BTW, One more thing. Since I wouldn't say we know each other well right now. Does that mean it would be inappropriate to ask for her MSN? If I could, I would not be limited to talk with her just at school. However, my friends told me that she would probably feel weird if I asked her because I am just a classmate to her. They suggest me to wait a bit longer. What do you suggest? |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: steph53-ga on 18 Nov 2004 10:46 PST |
ultimateapocalypse..... Speaking strictly as a female here, if this girl does not intitiate any conversations with you, then I would surmize that there is no romantic interest on her part. If I liked a guy, I would try to find any opportunity to talk with him. For me, asking for someone's MSN addy is the same as asking for their phone number. Probonopublico.... Check the Weather Network - no need for boots.............. :) Steph53 |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: probonopublico-ga on 18 Nov 2004 11:34 PST |
Hi Steph I assume that this is the same as you asking me for my MSN addy or asking me for my phone number .... Ye Gods! For me 20 feet of snow is NO PROBLEM. Now, where did I put my small guitar? Please wait ... I'm on my way ...... |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: ultimateapocalypse-ga on 18 Nov 2004 11:46 PST |
Steph: I agree with you on that. But that does not mean there is no chance, does it? I mean the chances are small but not zero though. :P I understand that asking for a MSN is same a asking for phone number. What I am not sure about is that ask for these at the current stage is appropriate or not. I personally think asking for MSN or phone at this stage is inappropriate. However, I am not sure if it is different in western culture. Maybe it would not be considered as inappropriate to ask the MSN or phone of somebody I just met not too long ago in western culture. Any thoughts? |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: steph53-ga on 18 Nov 2004 13:19 PST |
Hi again.... I'm not saying that there is no chance or for you to give up on this girl. Keep speaking to her and perhaps talk about any possible similar interests, etc. I also agree that asking her for her phone # or MSN at this time is definately inapproriate. Show her you are interested by making frequent eye contact, smile at her genuinely and always appear happy to see her. Good luck!!! Probonopublico, I'll leave my window open a tad tonight in anticipation ;) Steph53 |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: ultimateapocalypse-ga on 18 Nov 2004 14:04 PST |
Hi, it's me again :P One more thing I forgot to ask. If asking for her phone # or MSN is inappropriate at this stage, then would asking her out also be considered as inappropriate? I would assume asking for MSN or phone # should happen before asking her out but not quite sure if this is generally the case. Maybe asking somebody out provides a better chance to get to know each other and exchange phone # follows that. Which one should happen first? |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: just4fun2-ga on 18 Nov 2004 15:05 PST |
Listen dude, if it is met to be --- then you can NOT screw it up. So given that, just ask her to lunch and get the pain over with. Then ask her to a chick flick (movie) may I recommend "Bridget Jones: The edge of reason". You pay. You always pay. And you will always pay and pay and pay... but I digress.. Then let nature take it's course. If you don't feel the "vibe" then it is not met to be - so move on, before you waste too much money! If she wants to be "friends" then she pays for herself and you pay for yourself. Don't let her milk you until something better comes along. |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: steph53-ga on 18 Nov 2004 16:11 PST |
just4fun2... I'm not sure of your age or anything, but I'm currently dating a wonderful man and we share the costs of dates. One night he pays, another I pay. If we take trips, we usually split the costs evenly. Don't assume that all women are just along for the *ride* or your money. ultimateapocalypse... Try asking her if she would like to join you for a cup of coffee at the school cafeteria or whatever you have on campus. This way it doesn't look like a "date" and won't scare her off. From that point, you'll have a better idea of how receptive she is to your advances. Steph53 |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: timespacette-ga on 18 Nov 2004 16:46 PST |
oh dear, oh me, oh my . .. . . this makes me SO glad I am far, far away from college days . . . here's my advice (since you asked) : find out first if your values even come close to matching; talking about movies and each other's responses to certain movies is a good way to pursue that. (take her out to lunch; what could be inappropriate about that? Be honest and upfront: tell her you really like her and would like to know her better . . . and I don't mean in the Biblical sense . . .) then find out if your life's aspirations will compliment each other. The basic question: does she want to have kids? If and when? What about you? Would it matter to her if they were asian-looking kids? Would you care if your kids were half caucasian? If she doesn't want kids, what does she want to do with herself? If you express a genuine interest in finding this out, she will greatly appreciate it. If she doesn't have the foggiest idea, then maybe you want someone who knows herself a little better. my best friend in high school was Chinese, with both parents fresh from China. She went through many of the misgivings and doubts you describe. I've also known a number of Asians, both male and female, who jumped the culture/race gap very happily and are now in good long term relationships/marriages. Beleive me, it's easier between Asians and caucasians than it is between Blacks and caucasians, in general, in my humble and experienced opinion. You may get lucky and find out she harbors a secret fear/intrigue of Asian men; at this point the fear may be trumping the intrigue but all that could change. Most of all, find out if she has genuine curiosity about the world and people in it who are different from her. If you don't get past that hurdle, she won't be much fun even if you succeed in the early stages. good luck! ts |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: timespacette-ga on 18 Nov 2004 16:51 PST |
probono, would you hop even further west and land in the Great Pacific NorthWet? the snow, if any, is only a few inches deep! bring your galoshes . . . :-D ts |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: ultimateapocalypse-ga on 18 Nov 2004 18:52 PST |
timespacette Your comments are very helpful except that I would not talk about kids that sort of things. Hey, I am still in college, it is way to early to consider those kind of things. :P The rest are valueable info. Only problem now is if I can get a chance to buy her a cup of coffee. She almost always stay with her friends from high school. Pretty hard for me to get in, I would say. Of course, I think my personality also plays a role here. |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: timespacette-ga on 18 Nov 2004 19:34 PST |
dear ultimateapocalypse, you're right. don't mention the kids just yet. but I wouldn't discourage you from thinking about it for yourself; most people know intuitively at a very young age whether they will want kids or not...and it's a biggie when you get older; it will save you much pain and sorrow if you get clear now. Ask her out to lunch, not coffee. You pay (not necessarily for the rest of your life, mind you....). Just find a place that's quiet with minimal distractions (like her friends coming over) and charmingly let her know that you enjoy being around her. Planning is everything. Take her off campus and away from her usual territory. What's the worst that could happen? You could be horribly rejected. Be prepared for rejection. If you take it graciously she might notice you're not run-of-the-mill and have some semblance of self-worth, then she might come around later. cheers! and let us know how it goes! ts |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: guillermo-ga on 18 Nov 2004 20:51 PST |
Hi Ultimateapocalypse, Just couldn't resist the temptation to chime in. I'm a 44 years old Argentine man, and met a lot of young people from different cultures when I traveled in Europe in my 20's. My twenty cents: Don?t be so concerned about the cultural gap and of what?s appropriate or not. Everyone assumes that someone may like them. Just play the game softly and perceptively, trying to feel how things go on. The risk of rejection is part of the game, so don't be worried about it, happens to anyone, no one likes it, but it doesn't hurt if you don?t let it so. Thinking like this is liberating: if the worst possible consequence ?rejection- is no big deal, you can behave much more relaxed. Also do not let the feeling of "liking" someone become too strong: you like this girl, that's all, she doesn't have to be the "love of your life", what means that if she ever shows no interest in you, just look for another girl you may like, and so on until one of them will match your feelings. So speaking in general, regardless the cultural gap, never hide away from a girl that you like her. Just try not to be maladroit when showing it, and try to catch the timing: do not attempt to give her a loving kiss when it?s still the time to talk, but don?t talk when it?s the time to kiss her. But let her see that you like her, while you talk of movies, or algebra, or while having lunch together. Think of it: although you don?t like someone, it feels nice that this someone likes you (if not getting unbearable). Being liked is a flattering experience that, when elegantly managed by the one who likes, may awaken the reciprocal feeling. Express it with your eyes, gestures. And have always in mind all the things you believe a girl may like of you, your strengths but also certain weaknesses can be attractive, tender. (Just try not to show your ugliest parts until a deeper feeling can make them tolerable ?this is not dishonesty, just sensitivity, all humans need to do so, and we all assume that the other one will.) She may not be interested in you yet, but you can make it happen, or not. But don?t fake a friend-like approach. If you honestly let her perceive the kind of interest you have, she can encourage or discourage it with her own attitudes, and you?ll see whether to step further or not. Hope this helps. Best luck. Guillermo |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: probonopublico-ga on 18 Nov 2004 21:49 PST |
Phew!!! What a night! And now I'm off to the Pacific North Wet ... This Balloonycraft of mine is sure coming in handy. If you've got the Time, be sure to watch this Space. |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: timespacette-ga on 19 Nov 2004 08:30 PST |
By the light of the aurora borealis, a strange little craft eerily approaches a small island. Lo, it is an aluminum lawn chair carried aloft by a rather large passel of weather balloons! The pilot appears wearing a pair of google goggles, an aviators scarf and the tunic of a gladiator...(?) Having crossed the frigid plains of Ottawa whilst strumming his slightly out-of-tune guitar (it's the humidity, you see..) a sonorous voice can be heard warbling in the starlit night . . . ************(this section removed by Google Answers moderators)************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *(these are called 'twinklies') * * * * * * * Alas, the craft departs, buffetted by a warm eddy off El Nino, the pilot bound and determined to scour all of North America to find our smitten friend <ultimateapocalypse-ga> only to sprinkle the faerie dust Courage over his table at the Student Union cafeteria . . . in this parallel cyber universe nothing is impossible . . . * |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: just4fun2-ga on 19 Nov 2004 12:32 PST |
Steph53, Steph53 -- The reason the guy pays is because -- here it comes -- It gives him some control. If the woman pays -- well -- there goes the little bit of control a guy has. Now this might raise the hair on the back of your neck, so I suggest you consider the control a woman has over a man. An example would be this posting. As to our relationship deprived friend: There are no secrets - shoot from the hip and walk over to her and ASK HER OUT, in front of her friends. If she is not interested you will know and will be given the great opportunity to move on. And it will be a great opportunity - why you ask - because you will be free of this emotional downer, this worry: if she likes me or will she love me or what if she hates me or worse yet --- what if she JUST DOESN'T CARE. Trust your gut. But, she may like you - but does NOT feel anything coming from you. So she is not letting any of her feelings out. It is kind of fun dreaming about being in love with a pretty girl - I have spent many a day dreaming about a cheerleader I did NOT know in high school. Trying to figure out the prefect plan, the prefect way to get to know her. Well, it turns out I never got to know her. I never asked her out to lunch, I never asked her to go to the movies. And it wasn't because I did not have opportunities: I did. With all that figuring goin' on in my head. I ended up doing work for her dad, I ended up delivering her newspaper, I ended up having my bike locked to her's, I ended up giving friends of her's rides home in my car(I had a really cool car), Etc... But I never had the guts to ask a simple question, "Would you like to go out?" I learned my lession - In my 20s with No college, I ended up working at a cement plant as a janitor. After getting laid off - working at 7-11 - graveyard shift, I met my wife - who had a Masters degree, whose family had money, whose father had gone to MIT, whose whole family had gone to college - and I just asked her out. And the rest, as they say, is history! So my friend having been in your shoes - my suggestion is ASK HER OUT!! As the Nike ad says: "JUST DO IT!" |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 19 Nov 2004 13:02 PST |
It can be very difficult to assess how interested someone may be in you, as I learned from an experience many years ago. I met a young man at a city science fair (we were both finalists, but from different schools). We struck up a conversation that turned into several hours of companionship. He didn't ask me out, and I was too timid to ask him. Many years later, I re-encountered this young man. As it turned out, he had been quite interested in me at our first meeting, but he didn't think I was similarly interested in him. Each of us had so little self-esteem that we assumed lack of interest, even though the mutual attraction should have been obvious. The worst thing that can happen if you ask for a girl's phone number is that maybe she won't want to give it to you. If you don't ask, you certainly won't get that phone number. So my advice is this: ASK. |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: ultimateapocalypse-ga on 19 Nov 2004 16:57 PST |
just4fun: Thanks for the advise and the sharing of your experience. I am in the exact same situation as you were. I have thought about this too much, have had plans in my head but never get the gut to carry them out. pinkfreud: Thanks for the comment. My friends have told me the exact same thing: The chance is probably 1 in a millionth, but it is definitely zero if I don't give it a try. I have overheard, several weeks ago, that she broke up with her boyfriend. Should I ask her if she has boyfriend before doing anything else? My friends said this question is too personal to be asked at this time because we are not that close yet so it should be none of my business. Maybe I can ask her friends about that? Hmm.... I am not too sure about this. I have, after all the reading, decided to just go forth and let her know I like her on Monday. What I did before was just like chitchat between classmates but I will make it explicit on Monday. I am thinking to ask her friends if she has a boyfriend but don't know if I should do that. |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: timespacette-ga on 20 Nov 2004 06:12 PST |
I wouldn't. Getting back . . . ahem . . . to your original question about 'what is Western convention?' I'd say Western convention is to be much more direct and upfront. It's very Eastern (Asian convention, East Indian convention) to find every possible back door approach. Who are these friends of yours who keep telling such-and-such is none of your business? (What background do they hail from?) If you are interested in her, why wouldn't you want and need to know if she is already involved with someone? Also, the cliche dynamic for college age kids is so weird (see Pink's comment above); it is rife with projection and poor self esteem; I wouldn't ask her friends; they're likely to somehow lead you astray. You need to get past the lions at the gate and develop a real relationship with her; she'll appreciate it even though she may not even know what hit her . . . ts |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: ultimateapocalypse-ga on 20 Nov 2004 19:21 PST |
Thanks, I think you are right. What I have been thinking to do is quite Eastern. I will go directly to her on Monday. Hmm..... I'll let you know what the outcome is. I don't think I can ask her out for lunch coz I don't think I can do it right now. I'll ask her for her MSN to let her know that I am interested in her. Then talk to her more often during the week and ask her out for dinner over the weekend. I hope I can carry this out smoothly. Wish me good luck. |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: ultimateapocalypse-ga on 20 Nov 2004 19:35 PST |
BTW, forgot to ask. You mentioned that I do not need to know whether the girl I like has boyfriend already. Here's the problem. I mean, I think it is NOT morally wrong to pursue a girl who already has a boyfriend, as long as she is not married, of course. However, it just doesn't feel right to do. I once heard somebody talking to a radio host about pursue a girl who already has a boyfriend. That radio host, supposedly a doctor of some kind, said there is nothing more stupid than pursue a girl who is already involved with somebody else. Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say. I guess I can get that message after I try ask her out; therefore, no need to get that info from her friends. |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: probonopublico-ga on 20 Nov 2004 23:08 PST |
I certainly wish you all the luck in the world when you meet up with her on Monday. |
Re: How to approach a girl I like? What's the western convention?
From: ultimateapocalypse-ga on 22 Nov 2004 11:44 PST |
phew.......... I was very nerveous but I have, eventually, done it. It is no longer just a plan in my head now. I said I'd like to know her a bit more and if she would like to have dinner some time over the weekend. Her answer: Yeah, sure. Then she gave me her cell number. From what I have overheard, I think she is dating somebody else right now. But at least, this is a good start for me. Now what I need to do is brainstorm some topics. Since I have to go pick her up and eat dinner somewhere else, there will be a lot of time and I need to find things to talk about. Any suggestions? Also, are there any Do's and Dont's for a first date? |
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