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Comparative Politics: What's illegal in New Zealand that's not in the U.S?
Category: Relationships and Society > Politics Asked by: brian_boyko-ga List Price: $10.00 |
19 Nov 2004 21:13 PST
Expires: 19 Dec 2004 21:13 PST Question ID: 431388 |
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Re: Comparative Politics: What's illegal in New Zealand that's not in the U.S?
Answered By: bobbie7-ga on 26 Nov 2004 00:48 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hi Brian_boyko! Here are a number of useful but strange facts about New Zealand taken from the book ?Strange Facts and True About New Zealand? by Patricia Chapman. ?No capital city in the world is further south than Wellington." ?No part of New Zealand is more than 128 km from the sea.? ?French Pass, which separates d'Urville Island from the South Island coast, is the only place in the world where two different levels of ocean can be seen at once. This causes tremendously dangerous currents - sometimes the tide flows at up to 8 knots through the narrow Pass.? ?Fiordland National Park is one of the largest in the world at 1,228,348 hectares. It is also one of the wildest and least populated.? ?Each year some 400 significant earthquakes are recorded in New Zealand, of which roughly 100 are likely to be felt without instruments, but aren't of sufficient importance to warrant public notice. The biggest New Zealand earthquake in historical times was near Wellington on 23 January 1855.? ?Less than 5% of the population of New Zealand is human - the rest are animals, giving one of the highest ratios of humans to animals in the world.? ?Energy consumption per head in NZ on a kilogram-of-coal equivalent is around 3,000 kg. This compares with 6,845 in Australia, 10,888 in North America and 4,023 in Western Europe.? ?New Zealand has more bookshops per head of population than any other country; one for every 7,500 people (compared with one for every 19,000 in England and one for every 50,000 in the USA).? Flatrock.org http://flatrock.org.nz/topics/science/strange_nz_facts.htm There is a used copy of the book Strange Facts and True About New Zealand by Patricia Chapman available at Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0864690320/qid=1101458325/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-6836300-3879841?v=glance&s=books Search criteria: "New Zealand" strange useful facts I hope this is what you were looking for. Best regards, Bobbie7 |
rated this answer:![]() Nice little facts. I'll surprise my Mom with them at Christmas! |
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Re: Comparative Politics: What's illegal in New Zealand that's not in the U.S?
From: julicollins-ga on 20 Nov 2004 02:29 PST |
Well, here's one for starters: You'll be driving on the other side of the road. Land Transport Safety Authority New residents and visitors - driving in New Zealand http://www.ltsa.govt.nz/factsheets/56.html * j * |
Re: Comparative Politics: What's illegal in New Zealand that's not in the U.S?
From: probonopublico-ga on 20 Nov 2004 03:06 PST |
Brian Please ignore Julie's comment. In New Zealand they drive on the left, which I believe is right. It's the British Colony gone wrong where they drive on the right, which I believe is wrong. Me? I always drive down the middle. I've never been to NZ but a spokesman for an English Cricket touring side once commented that if they were ever shipped 50 yards off the coast of New Zealand, they would swim to Australia. Are you sure you are doing the right thing, by going left? Bryan |
Re: Comparative Politics: What's illegal in New Zealand that's not in the U.S?
From: julicollins-ga on 20 Nov 2004 03:21 PST |
Here are a few more: Prostitution has been legalized in New Zealand. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/prostitution%20in%20New%20Zealand The legal drinking age in New Zealand is 18. http://www.govt.nz/urn.php?id=2250 New Zealand has strict laws governing the use and control of guns. http://www.shootingnz.com/laws/visitors.htm The New Zealand Police do not carry firearms. http://www.nz-immigration.co.nz/government/nz-police.html "It is compulsory for anyone who meets the requirements for voting to be on the electoral roll, even if they do not intend to vote." http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/New-Zealand-elections And here's a rule about the local vernacular. The word "fanny" has a quite different meaning in the Land of the Long White Cloud. Kiwi Words & Phrases http://www.chemistry.co.nz/kiwi.htm Cheers, * j * |
Re: Comparative Politics: What's illegal in New Zealand that's not in the U.S?
From: johnfrommelbourne-ga on 21 Nov 2004 03:59 PST |
.................and if you have kids approaching 15 years old be aware as they can get a full drivers license at that age in New Zealand!!!!!! I cant think of anything actually, sorry. However my country Australia is one of only a handful where you can legally change your name/identity without going through any proper official process; that probably illegal in USA ??? |
Re: Comparative Politics: What's illegal in New Zealand that's not in the U.S?
From: probonopublico-ga on 26 Nov 2004 01:46 PST |
Wow! Bobbie, Fascinating facts! And look at those energy consumption figures! |
Re: Comparative Politics: What's illegal in New Zealand that's not in the U.S?
From: bobbie7-ga on 26 Nov 2004 09:17 PST |
Thank you for the tip! --Bobbie7 |
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