Would like to locate 3-5 reliable medical websites with qualified
physicians - whether free or fee-based - to provide to me medical
advice for my condition based on description of my symptoms.
As you are well aware there are tons of medical websites in this
business, with a number of them not being quality establishments. So
my quest is to find several (whether hospital-related or freelancers)
among the top 10% of performers. The accent is on best available. If
you can back up the info why theyr'e the best then it will give me
confidence in their abilities.
I have seen doctors for my condition and have somewhat an idea what
the causes are, however, I need further advice.
I believe I am looking for orthopedic and/or neurology physicians.
Currently I have some difficulty with my leg, essentially getting some
pains in my foot (on the outside) and the sole getting some pain,
stabbing type, lasting several seconds at a time a few
Related to this or not, this also happens in the shin bone area below the knee.
Also get some numbness.
Have had small discectomy L4-l5 9 years ago, and had lost some nerve
function on this leg (right leg) because of disc herniation.
Also have severe episodes of sciatica (pain in either leg, no back
pain) possibly caused by trapped nerves in the backbone. MRI's show
Had recetn emg on right leg - one I am now discussing - shows normal function.
I am providing my background as it might help for you to be more
focused on type of medical website I am thinking about.
I am an older guy but I am training for x-country ski races (and bike
races in summer) so I need to resolve my problems.
Will appreciate your assistance. |