I need to know the following:
Could you find out how many total children have come forward to accuse
the Roman Catholic Church of molesting them in the past 40 or so years?
Could it be broken down to how many are boys and how many are girls?
Thank you! |
Request for Question Clarification by
12 Jan 2006 09:24 PST
It wasn't clear from your question whether you were asking for
information for the world as a whole, or for a particular country or
Your question can probably be answered in fairly specific detail for
the United States, as the abuse scandal has been very thoroughly
researched and documented.
I am not aware of similar levels of details available in other
countries where the abuse of children in the Roman Catholic Church has
also been reported.
Let me know your thoughts about scope, keeping in mind that the
statistics are most reliable/available for the US.
Clarification of Question by
12 Jan 2006 12:40 PST
Is it also possible to have the amount of children divided into 2 sections:
a.) Total of children abused in the UNITED STATES.
b.) Then a total of children abuse throughout the rest of the world.
(Excluding the UNITED STATES.)
Request for Question Clarification by
12 Jan 2006 12:54 PST
Thanks for getting back to me.
As I said, data for the US is probably available.
But as for the rest of the world, the best I can offer is to take a
deep look, and see what's out there.
It may well be that there simply are no published estimates for the
total number of children (outside the US) who have reported abuse at
the hands of RCC officials.
Would a best-effort answer be acceptable to you, even if the only
numbers available are from the US?
Let me know,
Clarification of Question by
13 Jan 2006 06:33 PST
1.) I would appreciate the UNITED STATES totals, seperate.
2.) Then, as many countries as possible who did the reporting, would be great.
(such as: England, Italy, Spain, etc.) IF you could ONLY retrieve
the report (s) from 1/2 dozen countries to a dozen countries, just
inform me which countries and I would be satisfied.
Thank you again for all your help.
Request for Question Clarification by
13 Jan 2006 07:10 PST
Unfortunately, I can only find hard numbers for the US, although it's
certainly clear that the abuse crisis is prominent in other countries
as well.
Perhaps another researcher will have more luck with this one than I have.
Clarification of Question by
01 Feb 2006 10:37 PST
It seems to me I may be asking for too much for the amount of abused
children from the entire world. One responder to my original question
was great (email name is pafalafa-ga) who informed me it was not
possible to get an accurate account of child abused in other nations,
or countries.
If anyone is still interested in finding out the answer to my REVISED
question I hope you would: REVISED as follows:
A.)Total Amount of Children abused by the Catholic Church in the
UNITED STATES? Could the grand total be broken up by state(s)as well?
B.)Including the total amount of priests who have been accused of these abuses.
I have 1000's of questions in my mind about this subject, because I
was one of these abused children. If you come accross any information
in your search (who ever you are, may be it's you pafalafa-ga) that
you think would be helpful in my search for information please forward
or if you require more compensation then the $50.00 on the table as of
now - please ask me about the material you discover. I am in the
process of trying to write a book to help others as well as myself to
heal from the inside out. God Bless!