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What is the name of this song? Who sings it, where can I find it?
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music Asked by: ambicion6-ga List Price: $7.50 |
23 Nov 2004 20:13 PST
Expires: 23 Dec 2004 20:13 PST Question ID: 433191 |
this is part of a song that is from a mix cd and i have no idea who sings it. i have tried for some years now to get the entire song by trying to find the name, artist, etc by listening to the lyrics and googling them, but to no avail. please help! the dj who put the cd together is a chicago dj - goes by the name Dj Mode. or DJ Prodigy Mode. Here is the song I want! http://home.comcast.net/~ambicion6/Dj_Prodigy-Mode_-_Track_12_-_Track_12.mp3 | |
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Re: What is the name of this song? Who sings it, where can I find it?
Answered By: aht-ga on 26 Nov 2004 23:34 PST Rated: ![]() |
ambicion6-ga: Thank you for your question! A good challenge is always welcome. I must admit that when I listened to your posted sample of the track (many times), I could not identify the artist. For good reason, it turns out. After many attempts at trying to figure it out using what I could make out of the lyrics, I decided to take a different approach instead. This approach, was to track down DJ Mode (aka Remode), and ask him for help! Fortunately, DJ Mode was kind enough to respond to my query, and advised me that the track was from his ULTRAMODE VOL.2 mix CD, released in 1996. This track is by a group called Hubert KaH, from Germany. They are still around, and have a web presence at: http://www.hubert-kah.com/ The name of the track is "So Many People", and it was originally released on their album "Sounds Of My Heart" in 1989. Remixes/extended mixes of the track were also made available by the group, and the track was included in their "Best Of" release in 1998. You can listen to a sample of this version here: http://www.mp3.com/albums/7832/summary.html This album is available for purchase through Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=music-artist&field-artist=Hubert%252520Kah/002-4058466-8687204 You can also listen to a sample on Amazon.com, but the other site I referenced above is better. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000000CSC/qid=1101540671/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_2/002-4058466-8687204?v=glance&s=music I hope that this short but direct Answer meets your needs! Regards, aht-ga Google Answers Researcher | |
rated this answer:![]() Excellent response. Thanks soooo much!!!! |
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Re: What is the name of this song? Who sings it, where can I find it?
From: chasing_amy-ga on 24 Nov 2004 12:40 PST |
sounds like Mr. Mister to me |
Re: What is the name of this song? Who sings it, where can I find it?
From: timtitus-ga on 25 Nov 2004 08:57 PST |
Ok, now I'm hooked on trying to find this song. It sounds like the Pet Shop Boys who have a song called "One in a million", but it's not that song. Do you just have this small clip, or are there more lyrics? |
Re: What is the name of this song? Who sings it, where can I find it?
From: ambicion6-ga on 26 Nov 2004 07:33 PST |
Unfortunately, that is all there is!!! I have spent like 3 years trying to find that song. I know it's gotta be 80s-early 90s new wave because the DJ who mixed the CD, that's what he mixes. My husband thought it might be "the neverending story" but they lyrics from the artist (lehmal sp?) don't match up. |
Re: What is the name of this song? Who sings it, where can I find it?
From: timtitus-ga on 26 Nov 2004 10:31 PST |
I have the NeverEnding Story's 45 by Limahl, and it's not him. I'll keep searching. |
Re: What is the name of this song? Who sings it, where can I find it?
From: timtitus-ga on 26 Nov 2004 10:38 PST |
It may help to get accurate lyrics. Here's what I've been able to document so far. Please let me know if you think I missed any words, or heard incorrectly: So many people die(d) I gotta dream they live under the sun In so many numbers So little time to reveal what they?ve done It ?(in) a time bomb . . . . One in a million On the road of my life So many people go to war So many people said I?m crazy and I can?t take And I will carry the day Carry the day |
Re: What is the name of this song? Who sings it, where can I find it?
From: aht-ga on 28 Nov 2004 00:27 PST |
ambicion6-ga: Thanks for the rating and the tip! I have to admit that I'm a fan of 80's electronica and dance music... but I didn't know this one and that annoyed me enough to track down DJ Mode to ask him directly. :) Hope you are able to acquire the CD! Regards, aht-ga Google Answers Researcher |
Re: What is the name of this song? Who sings it, where can I find it?
From: ambicion6-ga on 28 Nov 2004 19:08 PST |
aht-ga, You're very welcome. You wouldn't happen to have DJ Mode's email address? I want to buy some of his Cd's or at least know when he will be spinning in Chicago. (small world that it is, I actually went to grade school with him & my husband went to high school with him, but I have lost his contact info!) Thanks!!! ambicion6@gmail.com |
Re: What is the name of this song? Who sings it, where can I find it?
From: aht-ga on 29 Nov 2004 11:03 PST |
ambicion6-ga: I actually do have his e-mail address (it's how I contacted him), however I do not think that I should post it here without his permission. What I can tell you, though, is that I found his e-mail address online while researching this question. I suggest that you keep an eye on his soon-to-be-released website, http://www.remode.us/ ; in his response to my query, he mentioned that it should be released very soon. I expect that contact information will be made available on that website as part of the release. I'm sorry, there are certain rules I have to operate within as a Google Answers Researcher, so in this case I think it's best that I err on the side of caution. Incidentally, are you familiar with how to look up domain registration records? You will often find contact information for the registered domain owner in the registration record for that domain. That information is technically public, so anyone asking a question about the contact information for a website administrator would be able to receive a satisfactory answer; asking for contact information for an individual who is not clearly a public figure, is a grey area. Regards, and with my apologies, aht-ga Google Answers Researcher |
Re: What is the name of this song? Who sings it, where can I find it?
From: ambicion6-ga on 29 Nov 2004 13:07 PST |
aht-ga, Domain registration - of course! thanks for the reminder ;) |
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