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obscure term
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Music Asked by: phlipster-ga List Price: $3.00 |
14 Jan 2006 12:39 PST
Expires: 13 Feb 2006 12:39 PST Question ID: 433408 |
The song/poen John Barleycorn Must Die refers to "men with crabtree sticks to tear him skin from bone" (or something similar). Wjile it appears that the crabtree stick in question is some kind of threshing device (perhaps a kind of flail), I have not been able to find a description or picture of this device. So my question is, what is a crabtree stick, what does it look like, and how is it used. Alternatively, if "Crabtree stick" is a Mondegreen, what is the correct word. |
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Re: obscure term
Answered By: leli-ga on 15 Jan 2006 05:28 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hello phlipster It was once quite common in England to use a stick of crab-apple wood as a weapon. It was often described as a crabstick or a crab-tree cudgel - but perhaps those names wouldn't fit the rhythm of the song! The Oxford English Dictionary has several references from various centuries to these stick-weapons under its entries for 'crab-stick' and 'crab-tree'. The most recent is from the the Pall Mall Gazette in 1886: "The cadets suffered themselves to be beaten with a crabtree stick." I hope the excerpts and links below will round out the picture for you. Best wishes - Leli "a crab-tree cudgel being proverbial for its hardness." http://www.2020site.org/trees/apple.html "Apple is . . one of the favourite woods to make clubs" http://www.the-tree.org.uk/BritishTrees/TreeGallery/applecrabc.htm "A cudgel made of the wood of the crab tree; a crabstick." http://www.dictionary.net/crab The wood is often knotty, and the tree has a thorny bark. 18c murder trial: "Q. What sort of a stick was it done with? A It was a long crab stick, five foot high, with knots upon it." (Don't read this transcript if you are squeamish.) http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/html_units/1750s/t17560714-26.html 18c trial for theft with violence: "I was constable the 23d of June. . . we found a sort of a crab-stick . . ." http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/html_sessions/T17490705.html Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress ================== So when he arose he getteth him a grievous Crabtree Cudgel, and goes down into the Dungeon to them, and there first falls to rating of them, as if they were dogs, although they gave him never a word of distaste. Then he falls upon them, and beats them fearfully, in such sort, that they were not able to help themselves, or to turn them upon the floor. http://www.bartleby.com/15/1/107.html Smollett Humphrey Clinker ================ " . . . with a crab-stick, which was all the weapon he had, brought the fellow to the ground with the first blow . . . Shakespeare Henry the Eighth ================ Noise and tumult within. Enter Porter and his Man. Porter You?ll leave your noise anon, ye rascals. Do you take the court for Paris-garden? ye rude slaves, leave your gaping. [Within.] Good Master porter, I belong to the larder. Porter Belong to the gallows, and be hanged, you rogue! Is this a place to roar in? Fetch me a dozen crab-tree staves, and strong ones: these are but switches to ?em. http://www.bartleby.com/70/3454.html One website suggests 1400 as an approximate date for this version of the song: "They hired men with the crabtree sticks To cut him skin from bone." http://faculty.gvsu.edu/websterm/John_Barley.html By the way, grain used to be threshed with a single stick, and still is in some parts of the world, I believe. Threshing Stick ://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22threshing+stick&btnG=Search&meta= | |
rated this answer:![]() Well researched. The answer is everything I'd hoped for. Now my only concern is how Barleycorn can be "brandy in the bowl." Thanks, Leli. That answer is worth a 33% tip. |
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Re: obscure term
From: tutuzdad-ga on 14 Jan 2006 13:32 PST |
I found no reference to a "crabtree stick" as a type of threshing device or, for that matter, a tool of any kind. What I suspect is the the reference to a "crabtree stick" in the poem John Barleycorn Must Die" is inconsequential in that it simply refers to a flogging or caning as in the type of punishment meted out in Singapore and other similar societies (by way of the symbolism of threshing barley). If one must equate the crabtree stick weapon described in the poem to an actual object it does indeed appear to be a flail of the type used to thresh sheaves of barley. This devices consisted of "two pieces of wood: the handstaff, or helve, and the beater, joined by a thong. The handstaff is a light rod several feet long, the beater a shorter piece." Encyclopędia Britannica http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9034471 It is important to note that Jack London, the author of the original poem, was by all accounts a creative genius, but he was also a dark and complex man who was plagued by chronic alcoholism (thus the poem decrying the debilitating power of barley-derived beer and spirits). "Jack London was never an original thinker. He was a great gobbler-up of the world, physically and intellectually. He was the kind of writer who went to a place and wrote his dreams into it, who found an Idea and spun his psyche around it. He was a workaday literary genius/hack who knew instinctively that Literature was a generous host, always having room for one more at her table." (L.E. Doctorow in The New York Times, December 11, 1988)" JACK LONDON http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/jlondon.htm So you see, In London's poem the seemingly invicible "Barleycorn" (the alcohol that ruined his life) was plowed under, starved, neglected, cut down, stabbed with pictchforks and beaten yet it survived to continue to have it's dastardly effect on men. It is not the flail itself that matters so much as the futile efforts in the poem to render the "barleycprn" dead. As life portrays art (and visa versa) it turns out that this was merely a melancholy moment of the life of Jack London as he colorfully described, almost in symbolic parable fashion, the effect (and hold) that alcohol had on his mind. Does this answer your question sufficiently? tutuzdad-ga |
Re: obscure term
From: myoarin-ga on 14 Jan 2006 16:27 PST |
I can only agree with Tutuzdad's comment. A little search on Crabappple wood reveals that it is a hard, close grained wood, suggesting that MAYBE "crabtree" is short for crabapple tree as an expression for the loose end of a flail, which should be made of a wood that would stand up to the beating. Pretty farfetched? http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/natbltn/700-799/nb754.htm http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/natbltn/700-799/nb754.htm Just found this, too: http://www.bartleby.com/61/68/C0716800.html |
Re: obscure term
From: efn-ga on 14 Jan 2006 18:20 PST |
I believe that the crabtree sticks mentioned in the song are just sticks of wood from a crab tree, and not any special kind of device. As myoarin guessed, "crab tree" is another name for a crab apple tree. http://www.bartleby.com/61/56/C0715600.html http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/a/apple044.html "John Barleycorn" is an ancient British folksong, going back at least to the sixteenth century. "John Barleycorn Must Die" is not usually used as the title of the song; this phrase is the title of a 1970 album by the rock group Traffic, which contains a version of the song with the usual title, "John Barleycorn." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Barleycorn http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Barleycorn_Must_Die Jack London's autobiographical novel "John Barleycorn" contains no mention of crabtree sticks, and he did not publish any poem with "John Barleycorn" in the title. Perhaps printed copies of the novel contain a version of the song, but this does not appear in texts available on-line. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/London/Writings/JohnBarleycorn/ http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/318 http://www.jacklondons.net/writings/londonsPublishedPoems.html |
Re: obscure term
From: myoarin-ga on 17 Jan 2006 17:05 PST |
Of course I knew those quotations from Shakespeare and Smollet and Bunyan, but modestly refrained from preempting Leli's answer. (Like h...!) Truly great answer! And an interesting case of swiftly executed justice. If you read the early version that Leli linked, the quotation in the question is followed by two lines about what the millers did to him, so obviously a reference to threshing before the milling/grinding. "John Barleycorn Must Die" sounds like a title to a temperance version of the song. |
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