The most reliable data on airline transportation statistics are
available by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS).
The total amount of passengers carried by US airlines for 2004 and 2005:
Jan-Oct. 2004 passengers: 529,582,175
Jan-Oct. 2005 passengers: 554,053,210
The top 10 airline rankings in numbers of passengers are:
Rank Airline Jan-Oct 2005 Jan-Oct 2005
1 Southwest 73,763,408 67,854,148
2 Delta 66,322,374 66,232,032
3 American 64,540,045 60,704,637
4 United 46,086,115 50,692,556
5 Northwest 39,681,204 38,343,765
6 US Airways 31,867,507 31,555,223
7 Continental 27,232,421 26,202,750
8 America West 17,492,550 16,819,838
9 American Eagle 13,970,440 11,893,071
10 AirTran 13,586,401 10,747,418
from: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, T-100 Domestic Market
( )
Top 20 airline data is not available.
Mishandled baggage
"The U.S. carriers reporting flight delay and mishandled baggage data
posted a mishandled baggage
rate of 5.00 reports per 1,000 passengers in November, higher than
both November 2004?s 4.53 rate
and October 2005?s 4.90 mark."
( )
"For the year, mishandled luggage reports rose from 4.19 per 1,000
passengers in 2003 to 4.91 in
Air Traffic Control Association
( )
The rate of mishandled baggage given above is an average value for all
carriers, still all other
data I found in the research are very similar.
I hope this solves your problem. If you need any further assistance
please post a request for
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