Hello mssunny-ga
Most sites I looked at advise that rehabilitation of raptors needs to
be left to experienced people, and so do not provide any information
on how it is done. However, I did manage to find some information,
and I do hope it will help you to help your little night hawk:
An article on the use of crop needles (crop tubes) describes how to
insert one into the crop. This information might be of assistance in
helping you to feed your baby hawk:
Here are some pictures of how to hold the bird during the procedure
As for which is the crop, another page on the same site has this to
say: The trachea is much smaller in diameter than the oesophagus
(the crop is part of the esophagus, while the trachea is used for
breathing) http://www.birds2grow.com/art-croptube.html
You might wish to ask advice from experts in the care of raptors:
The web site of Birds of Prey Foundation, Boulder County, Colorado has
information on feeding hatchlings:
You can contact them with questions and requests for advice at
raptor@birds-of-prey.org. The telephone number is (303) 460-0674
Another place to turn for advice is Rehabitat, which deals, among
other things, with the rehabilitation of injured raptors: Rehabitat,
P.O. Box 81, Dillsburg, PA 17019-9663,
Fax: (717) 432-7883 Phone: (717) 432-9483 email
Here is an article on the care of orphaned baby birds in general, but
you might find it relevant for your baby hawk
I dont know if you want to pay for further information. I have found
an ebook for $4.97 on Helping Injured or Orphaned Wild Birds by
Diane Scarazzini, which includes chapters on baby birds and on injured
raptors http://www.how-to-do-it-ebooks.com/alpha6h.htm I have not
looked at this book and cannot vouch for its reliability.
Search strategy on Google: 1. bird, anatomy, crop 2. feeding,
orphaned, raptors |