Hi, Below is the link to an ad for a newsletter about "Corporate insiders".
Here is what I would like to know:
1. Who do the insiders report to? I believe it is the S.E.C.
2. How do I get the raw reported data? (not interested in Newsletters
I want the raw reported data)
3. How much does it cost?
4. Format the data is transfer in?
5. How often is the data make available for download?
6. Web site address for download?
7. How often is the data updated for the public?
A tip will be based on anything else you think I may be interested in.
Thanks as always. |
Request for Question Clarification by
26 Nov 2004 12:59 PST
Hello just4fun-ga,
You are correct that the insiders report to the SEC. The information
is posted on the SEC website practically in real-time...as far as I
know, the SEC website is updated on a fairly continual basis, many
times a day.
Are you looking for information how to manually visit the SEC site to
access any newly-posted data? If so, I can probably assist you with
this question.
But if you're looking for some other type of download process, please
spell out in a bit more detail what you have in mind.
Clarification of Question by
26 Nov 2004 13:47 PST
Hi Pafalafa.ga,
Here is what I'd like to do:
1. Download raw data into an Excel worksheet or an Access Database.
2. I do NOT want to type this data in by hand, would rather just
download it and then sort the data into useful info. Quick and clean.
3. File format - just about anything can be loaded into Excel. I
would rather NOT use Paste and Copy directly from the SEC site. The
data, as far as I know, can't be "placed" into row and columns using
the Paste and Copy technique.
The fields would be somethink like this:
Stock symbol,number of shares purchased,date of purchase,name of
purchaser,title of purchaser etc...
Here is where I'd like to end up.
I want to preprocess the raw data into a new data file that can then
be used by a NeuroNet software program I use for stock picking. (Did I
just "feel" Daytrader-76's eyes lightup? Haa)
I will expand the question, I still would like to download the data
and sort it myself, so that is VERY important. But if you can find a
website that offers the raw data in a format that is usable -- it is
timely data and can be download in a standard file format -- I would
be interested in that also.
Request for Question Clarification by
26 Nov 2004 16:07 PST
Hello again, just4fun2-ga,
Wow...that's an ambitious undertaking!
From the looks of things, you've pretty much asked two different
questions. First, there your original question (with it's 7
sub-questions) which I think I can answer: where is the data
reported; how to get the data; what's the cost; etc.
Your clarification seems to hold another question -- how can you
download the data more or less automatically, without a lot of manual
steps, cutting and pasting, etc.
I can answer your original question, as I'm pretty familiar with the
reporting to the SEC, and the steps for accessing the "corporate
insiders" reports.
I wish I could answer your second question for you, because my
instincts tell me it is possible to download the SEC data in bulk and
pull it into an Excel spreadsheet. However, I simply don't have the
technical sophistication to do this.
Perhaps the best option here would be for me to answer your original
question, and for you to explore that data to see if a
download-into-Excel option is feasible.
In fact, you may then want to post a follow-up question here to seek
assistance on the technical aspects of making this happen, if that
sounds reasonable to you.
I hope I've been clear in communicating what I can -- and can't -- do
for you on this. Let me know if you have any questions.
In the mean time, I will "unlock" your question, so that other
researchers can have a crack at it. If one of them feels they can
provide a full answer -- including the direct-to-Excel option -- I'm
sure they will jump in an offer up an answer.
Let me know your thoughts on all this.
Request for Question Clarification by
26 Nov 2004 17:06 PST
J4F2 and Pafalafa --
The SEC doesn't actually handle the data feeds directly, they rely on
service companies to manage it for them. It's probably a matter of
contacting EDGAR directly to see what can be done:
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
27 Nov 2004 11:07 PST
Hi, Thank you for spending time on my question.
What I'm interested in is the raw data. To explain, Let say 200
companies report on 11/26/04 that they have either bought or sold
shares of stock. I want all 200 companies reports in a format that
can be downloaded in a clean way and reload into some program (like
Excel or Access) and then sorted. The Format can be, by not
necessarily, in ASCII comma delimited file.
Let say I do the above for 1 year. Each day gathering this basic data
on ALL companies that buy and sell shares of stock. Then I couple the
data up to the price of the stock and see if there is a correlation
between insiders buying and the price going up or insiders selling and
the price going down -- adjusted for the general movement of the stock
Requirments 2 - 5 of my question point, not very clearly, to the above.
Thank you!
Request for Question Clarification by
28 Nov 2004 10:26 PST
Hello again,
Take a look at this link to a recent "inside trading" report to the SEC:
There are typically about 100 such reports every day to the SEC.
Best I can do is show you how to identify the latest reports, and link
to them one at a time.
Unfortunately, I do no know how to automatically export the data from
these reports into an excel database, so I'm afraid I cannot provide
an answer to your question.
Perhaps another researcher will have more luck.