Dear Sparky,
Skull and Bones, as you well know, is a *secret* society. Therefore,
there is no official answer to your question, only rumours and
uncorroborated sources.
Eric Samuelson, J.D., listed alleged members of the society on his
website. The list does include one Kenneth Arthur Bender, who was
initiated into the society in 1975.
It should be noted, though, the Samuelson's site discusses the society
as part of other alleged world domination conspiracies and . The same
list is quoted in other rumours/conspiracy sites: - <>
"Skull and Bones and Other Secret Societies" , The 7th Fire
So, the answer is "yes", and "no". There is a Kenneth Bender on the
lists of alleged members - how much of this is true, and if this is
the Kenneth Bender that you know (there is probably more than one
person under that name in the United States), is unclear.
I hope this answered your question. My search strategy has been to
search for the person's name, with other factors (name of the secret
society, for example). |