I found documented evidence that this stunt has been accomplished at
40 MPH. Depending upon the length of the trailer and the amount of
friction between the car's wheels and the trailer's surface, the
vehicle would either be stopped on the carrier or would crash through
the front of the trailer if it were performed at 60 MPH. As a stunt
driver notes, braking as hard a possible but avoiding skidding is of
critical importance. This stunt was performed at 40 mph in an episode
of Fear Factor. The Chevrolet SSR advertisement in 2004 "Car Carrier"
shows multiple examples of this stunt, also. It was available for
download at the Chevrolet website at
http://www.chevrolet.com/library/commercials/, but it is no longer
available. One source maintains the cars in the commercial were
actually backed off of the carrier, but Tony Vella, a stuntman,
maintains they were not and describes how it was done.
"No trick photography here......its all what you see, only the
vehicles are not traveling as fast as they appear....film has a
tendancy to make things appear faster than then are. However it is
still just as dangerous and requires expert timing. It's a matter of
approach, the vehicle going onto the ramp must equate,and then
actually [SIC accelerate] a little faster than the carrier for this
to work to gain access. Then once the rear wheels have cleared, Yes,
the vehicle must threshold brake quickly to stop ( braking without
skidding )."
"Drive a Car onto a Moving Car Carrier" J Fudge.com (January 21)
Provides an explanation by stuntman Tony Vella of how this stunt is
"GM's An American Revolution Car Carrier Commercial"
Provides information about where to download the Michael Bay-directed
Car Carrier commercial. Unfortunately, the links are dead.
"Contestants would start out driving a car next to a moving car
carrier going 40 miles per hour. When a horn sounded, they would have
to drive their car up a ramp and into the back of the car carrier. The
contestant to do this the fastest would be the Fear Factor Champion."
"37. Dog Attack; Gas Chamber; Car Carrier Drive-Thru" Stunt #3: Car
Carrier Drive-Thru" TV.com (2006)
"Stunt #3: Car Carrier Drive-Thru
Chad was first. He did the stunt with no problems and got a time of 10
seconds. Kate was next. She also did not have any problems, but her
time was 13 seconds. Kate was eliminated. Brandy was last. When she
was pulling in, her left rear tire went off the ramp and she got
stuck. Chad was the Fear Factor Champion."
"Dog Attack; Gas Chamber; Car Carrier Drive-Thru (episode #37)" TV.com
(2006) http://www.tv.com/dog-attack-gas-chamber-car-carrier-drive-thru/episode/216933/recap.html
"A New Campaign From Chevrolet" By ELLEN PILIGAN, The New York Times
(December 19, 2003) http://www.nytimes.com/2003/12/19/business/media/19adco.html?ex=1137733200&en=fe53e827a891d61e&ei=5070
"The ad is a trick. The cars are being driven OFF of the trailer, then
the [SIC video] is shown backwards with careful editing.
Still, kinda cool though."
"Neat Commercial" by stu norman (1/2/04)
I could not locate any material confirming his claim.
Some information on the physics of automobile braking:
"How To Stop In An Emergency Without ABS" Canadian Direct Insurance
(2004) http://www.canadiandirect.com/Renderer.jhtml.88.html
"Stopping Distance For A Vehicle" CSG (2006)
"The net external force stopping a car comes from the friction force
between tires and pavement. Stopping a car with ordinary brakes may
result in wheel lock; that is, the wheels lock in position and are not
able to rotate. When this happens, the tires skid and the coefficient
of kinetic friction determines the braking distance. Cars equipped
with an antilock braking system (ABS) have a sensor that releases the
brake pads the instant the wheel locks up. After a brief pause the
brakes are then quickly re-engaged. If they don't lock up again, all
is well. If they do, the ABS releases the brake pads again. This
processes can repeat many times a second. In any case, the tires are
not allowed to lock for more than a few milliseconds. The car is then
stopped using the force of static friction alone."
"Friction" by Glenn Elert, The Physics Handbook (2005)
Search terms: SSR "car carrier" download; driving car onto moving "car
carrier" stunt; friction braking distance; "threshold braking" |
Request for Answer Clarification by
18 Jan 2006 13:09 PST
Would it depend on how long the trailer was. Would it make a
difference if you acclerated and before hitting the ramp, than placed
the car in neutral such that the wheels would not be turning, or
What would the max speed be for the car to accomplish this act?
What about the trailer is moving at 40 MPH, the car would have to be
going atleast 41 MPH, that is a total of 81 MPH, how could it stop on
a small trailer?
Thanks randy head
Clarification of Answer by
18 Jan 2006 20:44 PST
The issue is one of frames of reference: the car is moving at 41 MPH
relative to the ground, but as soon as it is on the car carrier's
ramp, the frame of reference changes to the car's speed relative to
the ramp. At that point, it is only 1 MPH faster, so slowing down the
car is not particularly difficult provided one avoids skidding.
Skidding not only increases the stopping distance, but it makes it
impossible to steer the car (which is probably the more dangerous
consequence if the speed differential between the car and the car
carrier is small).