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Q: "20 Clubs" ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   2 Comments )
Subject: "20 Clubs"
Category: Business and Money
Asked by: jmhines123-ga
List Price: $75.00
Posted: 29 Nov 2004 13:38 PST
Expires: 29 Dec 2004 13:38 PST
Question ID: 435661
I am looking for information on "20 Clubs" such as those opperated by
the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). I also know that
such clubs exsist among Ford dealers.  These are clubs of 20 people
highly successfull people in the same line of work (home builders or
Ford dealers in the examples above) who get together periodically to
share infomation that will help each other succeed.  My question is,
are there other similar groups out there for other types of business
people? Typically there is an annual membership fee to join and
membership is by invitation only.  I need to find at least 3 other
examples beyond Ford and NAHB.

I tip very well for great answers!
Subject: Re: "20 Clubs"
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 29 Nov 2004 16:02 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
I have gathered some material that I believe you'll find useful. Below
are excerpts from several websites; for more info, just click the link
under each excerpt to visit the site.

      National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC)

"Each ARVC 20 GROUP is composed of non-competing campgrounds
voluntarily and mutually associated to provide a confidential exchange
of experiences, problem and ideas at regular meetings and to receive,
through the services of the ARVC 20 GROUP Program, the benefit of
reliable historical comparative operating data on a periodic bases."

National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds

Contact ARVC:

National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds

                     Truckload Carriers Association

"TCA's consultant for the '20-Group Benchmarking' program is Decisiv.
Decisiv Best Practices is best known for running high-impact 20-Groups
for the heavy truck industry. Most recently, Decisiv has taken this
high impact, results oriented process to the Truckload Carriers. The
20-Group program is a forum where Business principles can Compare
Operating Benchmarks, and, more importantly, Best Practices that
produce successful Benchmarks.

The Group is made up of between 12 and 20 members. The Groups are
segmented into Carrier specialties such as Refrigerated Carriers, Dry
Van Carriers, Flatbed Carriers, etc. The 20-Group meets three times a
year for a period of one to two days in different parts of the country
so Carriers can share and exchange proven ideas and measures their
financial performance against fellow operators. At the meetings the
group members share their financial statements, discuss pressing
problems affecting their industry and exchange proven ideas and best

If you are interested in joining a Decisiv 20-Group, please e-mail, or call (253) 661-6752, or visit our website, or call Nancy O'Liddy at the Truckload Carriers
Association 703-838-7936."

Truckload Carriers Association

            NADA (National Automobile Dealers Association) 

"What are NADA/ATD 20 Groups?

The NADA/ATD 20 Group program is known worldwide for improving member
dealers' bottom line. Carefully selected groups of non-competing
dealers, with the assistance of a professional consultant, help each
other to improve business practices, planning and performance.

All 20 Group members receive monthly financial composites for
comparisons, and meet for at least three times per year. As a new
car/truck dealer, you are invited to join a NADA/ATD 20 Group and
increase your sales and profitability, today!"

NADA/ATD 20 Group

Contact NADA/ATD:

NADA/ATD 20 Group

              North American Equipment Dealers Association

"NAEDA 20 Groups Program: Dealers who participate in the NAEDA 20
Groups Program control the agendas of their meetings. A facilitator
also is in attendance to help keep the meetings on course and topical.
During 20 Group meetings, dealers:

1. compare financial data, using financial composites specifically
designed for the equipment industry,

2. review and discuss what each group member is doing to improve
dealership, management and operational performance and how results are
measured and achieved,

3. exchange ideas and share profit-improvement strategies, 

4. receive support, encouragement and motivation from group members, and 

5. focus on and discuss specific industry topics and issues. 

Currie Management Consultants (CMC) works with the association in the
administration of the NAEDA 20 Groups Program and facilitates program

North American Equipment Dealers Association

Contact NAEDA:

North American Equipment Dealers Association

                      Akzo Nobel "Acoat Selected"

"Acoat Selected® is an international fraternity of high quality body
shops, It is a uniquely designed management development program to
help the best become even better...

No other collision repair program in the world can compete with the
Acoat Selected® network of over 1,000 Partner shops in 10 countries.
To help facilitate this network, you will participate in two '20
Group' meetings a year. At these meetings, non-competitors submit
confidential financial data and ideas in an effort to share best

Grinstead Group

"The Acoat selected program will help you achieve real, measurable and
lasting results for your operation. Through customized, one-on-one
business consulting, seminars, 20 Groups, and shop networking, Acoat
Selected members arm themselves with skills that will differentiate
their business and help to achieve higher levels of workmanship and

Akzo Nobel Car Refishishes North America

Contact Akzo Nobel:

Akzo Nobel Car Refinishes North America

                        20/20 Groups Association

20/20 Groups Association
Steve Bowser, Director
15602 South 35th Way
Phoenix, AZ 85044
Phone: 602-706-9417
Fax: 602-706-0444

To build the business value and improve the profitability of computer
technology resellers that are Members of the 20/20 Groups Association
by providing a forum for non-competing Members to leverage each
others' strengths and expertise.

The 20/20 Groups Association matches individual reseller businesses
with twelve others from non-competitive geographic markets that are
similar in size and have a similar business focus. Each Group meets
three times a year to discuss issues and challenges facing their
organizations and find ways of helping each other compete more

Each 20/20 Group business session provides thought-provoking
discussion with concrete suggestions and practical steps for increased
profits. The discussions are relevant, because Members choose the
topics. The advice is practical because it comes from experienced
people sharing the same profession."

VARBusiness: 20/20 Groups Association

                 International Motor Coach Group (IMG)

"David Brown, president of Holiday Tours Inc... says he has been
helped considerably... by his affiliation with the International Motor
Coach Group (IMG), an organization of independently owned charter and
tour companies.

Within IMG is a group of 20 operators called the 20 Group, Brown says.
Holiday is a member of this group, which provides mutually beneficial
advice and assistance...The 20 Group also shares information on
maintenance practices such as mechanic-to-bus ratios and inventory
control. It also trades ideas on marketing."

Contact IMG:

International Motor Coach Group

                           Gold Coast Speakers

"Partnering with other business leaders to create a mastermind
alliance is an answer to the idea of working smarter.

Over a decade ago, I started a mastermind alliance of professional
speakers and consultants that are geographically close to me in the
Northern Los Angeles area. Over the years we have evolved and grown
together. Today, we call ourselves the Gold Coast Speakers and you can
check us out at

We started meeting early in 1989 and continue to get together about
once a month or so. While many of us are competitors, this is a
confidential environment where each can share their gifts and receive
counsel on important business, career and personal issues. I do not
believe I would have survived in my speaking career without this
relationship. The members, about a dozen, of my mastermind alliance
are some very special and giving people. Because we are geographically
close, this allows us to get together regularly. We rotate from home
to home, each member having the opportunity to host a meeting and make
it simple by ordering delivered pizza.

Another mastermind alliance success story is the Downtown Palm
Springs, California breakfast club. A few years ago I interviewed Tim
Ellis, then general manager at the Riveria Resort & Racquet Club in
Palm Springs. The interview was for an article about Palm Springs
strategic alliance with other California cities to draw tourists to
the state. He told me about his downtown Palm Springs mastermind
alliance. It consisted of general managers from seven other deluxe
hotels, the convention center director and the owner of the aerial
tram. They meet every Wednesday and rotate member locations weekly.
They discuss issues uniquely important to the hospitality business in
downtown Palm Springs.

I recently spoke with Tim. He is no longer at the Riveria. He started
his own company, Lathom Hotels. Tim bought one hotel and leased
another. The hotels both feature suites with full kitchens. He started
his company to serve a neglected niche in town, long-term retired
guests. He told me that much of his success comes from the networking
relationships in the breakfast club. He said that he could not have
picked up and done the same thing in another town. And yes, he still
belongs to the alliance.

Your trade or professional association, when properly executing its
charge, acts as a funnel for mastermind relationships. While there are
some limitations such as confidentiality issues, discussion
limitations based on anti-trust issues, many associations do
facilitate smaller specialty groups that function similar to
mastermind alliances. Additionally, in your area you can join
established commercial (for profit) mastermind alliances such as The
Executive Committee (TEC) or Young Presidents Organization (YPO)."

Rigsbee Research

Members of Gold Coast Speakers Alliance:

Super Second Life Planning: Gold Coast

             Spader Management "Total Business 20 Groups"

"Spader Management Groups consist of up to 20 non-competing businesses
in your industry. Groups meet two to four times per year to discuss
their business and exchange ideas. Most meetings are held near a
member business so the group can visit the host member's facility.
Additionally, each member submits monthly financial information that
is then provided to all 20 members in a consolidated report.

The opportunity for comparison with your peers is the distinctive
feature of 20 Groups...

20 Groups are available in nine industries:

- Bus Distributors 
- Farm Equipment Dealerships 
- Lighting Showrooms 
- Marine Dealerships 
- Motorcoach Operators 
- Office Furniture Dealerships 
- Powersports Dealerships 
- Recreational Vehicle (RV) Dealerships 
- Trailer Dealerships" 

Spader Business Management

Contact Spader:

Spader Business Management

          Competitive Advantage Solutions "Mastermind Groups"          

"Andrew Carnegie was the creator of the concept called MasterMind. Mr.
Carnegie had 20 experts involved in his personal mastermind who he
called upon to help him build his steel empire. He mentored Napoleon
Hill, and it was Napoleon Hill, in 1937 who introduced the concept of
the mastermind group in 'Think And Grow Rich.' He was part of a
mastermind group call the 'Chicago 6' - which included Andrew
Carnegie, Charles Wrigley, William Hertz and Henry Ford.

Today, there are mastermind group concepts around the country. The
automobile industry has had '20 Groups' for years; where groups of 20
automobile dealers? network and council with each other to improve
their operations and personal skill sets. The NAHB launched the '20
Club' concept several years ago for CEO?s of home building companies.
They attempt to match home builders of the same size and scope from
around the country to share ideas, collaborate on problems, critique
financial performance, coach and mentor each other...

Mastermind Groups Take It to the Next Level

Besides one-on-one coaching, there?s additional power in linking with
others from non-competitive markets who are as interested in obtaining
the same goals and objectives. A joint effort where all group members
work together and strive to reach a level of accomplishment that could
never alone be achieved - To gain knowledge on new, fresh ideas and
perspectives, as well as feedback to help us grow personally and
manage our own business. Not only giving ourselves the insights needed
to develop and excel, but also the opportunities to be committed to
the growth and success of our peers by holding each other to higher
standards. By sharing issues in a group, those involved can draw upon
their unique experiences and specialized knowledge to help each other
out. The purpose is to provide structure, suggestions and moral
support so that each member can further succeed in their business."

Competitive Advantage Solutions

Contact Competitive Advantage Solutions:

Competitive Advantage Solutions

                        NCM Associates "20 Groups"      

"NCM Associates, Inc. is best known for pioneering the original 20
Group process -- an organized forum where dealers can find profit by
sharing both their business hits and misses with a group of
non-competing peers...

Members of NCM 20 Groups are from businesses of similar size in terms
of unit volume, profit potential and number of employees.  To benefit
from ideas from all parts of the country, the groups are formed from a
cross-section of companies representing all regions of the United
States.  This also protects our members against the danger of losing
business secrets to neighbors.

NCM sends each member a monthly composite of comparative statistics
compiled from the financial statements of all members.  Each group
also meets three times a year to exchange profitable ideas, management
practices, and cost-saving suggestions.  NCM's skilled and experienced
moderators help focus the group's efforts and provide valuable
information at each meeting.

Today, NCM has more than two hundred 20 Groups in a variety of
different industries including:

- Automotive Dealerships Twenty Groups 
- Automotive F & I Twenty Groups 
- Motorcycle Dealerships Twenty Groups 
- Buy Here, Pay Here 
- Car Rental Agencies 
- Heavy Duty Truck Franchised Dealership Operations 
- Heavy Duty Truck Leasing Operations 
- Independent Automotive Service Centers 
- Printing Centers 
- Quick Lube Centers (automotive) 
- Furniture Industry 
- Water Softener Industry 
- Auction 
- Retail Mobility" 

NCM Associates

Contact NCM:

NCM Associates

         R.L. Connor & Associates "Bottom-Line Impact Groups"                

"Each Bottom-Line Impact Group is comprised of up to 18 independent
automotive repair shop owners. Each member has made a serious
commitment to themselves and their peers to improve their business
operations and profits, and to becoming the most successful
independent automotive repair business owners in the 2000s and beyond.

The mission of the Bottom-Line Impact Group members is to acquire,
share and implement the positive qualities of adaptability, teamwork
and courage to become leaders, both personally and professionally, in
the automotive repair industry."

R.L. Connor & Associates

Contact R.L. Connor:

R.L. Connor & Associates

R.L. Connor & Associates


Also of interest:

Automotive Service Association: 20 Groups / Can they help you?

FindArticles: Get Plenty at a Twenty Popular Small Business Meetup Groups


My Google search strategy:

Google Web Search: "a 20 group OR club"

Google Web Search: "20 club OR clubs OR group OR groups" business

Google Web Search: "mastermind group OR circle OR alliance"


I hope this is helpful. If anything is unclear or incomplete, or if a
link doesn't work for you, please request clarification; I'll gladly
offer further assistance before you rate my answer.

Best regards,
jmhines123-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $50.00

Subject: Re: "20 Clubs"
From: scotttygett-ga on 30 Nov 2004 00:06 PST
Morally reprehensible.
Subject: Re: "20 Clubs"
From: pinkfreud-ga on 01 Dec 2004 11:03 PST

Thank you very much for the five stars and the generous tip!


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