Thanks for your patience on this.
As I mentioned earlier, there isn't a great deal of information out
there specific to climate change in Bhutan, and what is there tends to
rehash the same limited information over and over.
However, I did find some additional sources of information that were
not only on-target, but fairly up to date. In addition, I also found
a number of sources that -- while only tangentially related to climate
change -- seemed to be contacts worth knowing about, so I included
those as well.
I trust the information below -- along with the earlier links I cited
-- fully answers your question.
However, please don't rate this answer until you have everything you
need. If you would like any additional information, just post a
Request for Clarification to let me know how I can assist you further,
and I'm at your service.
All the best,
Some good details here on glaciers (in Bhutan and elsewhere) and
global climate change:
FLOOD: When water cannot stay contained anymore!!
Bhaskar Karnick & V.Krishna Moorthy
...see section 08. Effect of Global warming
A UNEP report with a lot of the usual blah-blah-blah, but a good contacts list:
Dasho Nado Rinchhen
Deputy Minister
National Environment Commission
Post Box No. 466,
Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel: (975) 2 323384, 324 323
Fax: (975) 2 323 385
UNEP Focal Point:
Dasho Nado Rinchhen
Deputy Minister
National Environment Commission
Post Box No. 466,
Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel: (975) 2 323384, 324 323
Fax: (975) 2 323 385
Here is a another fairly recent UNEP report that covers the State of
the Environment in Bhutan and surrounding countries. Again, not a
great deal here on climate change, but potentially, a good source of
recent contact information, including:
Sustainable Development Priorities for South Asia
Ms. Tshering Lham
Communications Coordinator
Royal Society for Protection of nature
Post Box 325, Thimpu, Bhutan
Tel : 975-2-326-130, 322-056
Fax : 975-2-323-289
Email :
Mr. Karma Lodey Rapten
Technical Division
National Environment Commission
Royal Government of Bhutan
P.O. Box 466
Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel : 975-2-325-856/324-232
Fax : 975-2-323385
Email :
Mr. Ugen Tenzin,
Deputy Director, National Environment
Commission (NEC)
National Environment Commission Secretariat
P.O. Box 466
Thimphu, Bhutan
Email :
Ms. Tenzin Wangmo,
Planning Officer, Department of Planning
Ministry of Finance, Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel : (office): +975-2-322-503/325-192/321-053/325-741;
Tel : (home): +975-2-351-104
Fax : +975-2-322928
Email :
The well-respected environmental organization, World Wildlife Fund is
active in Bhutan, though their site is surprisingly empty of much
information on climate change. Still, they definitely have some
informative publications, and would seem to be good folks to contact
in terms of learning who's who in Bhutan:
WWF Bhutan
WWF Bhutan Program
P.O.Box 210
Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel: +975 -2-323528 / 323316
Fax: +-975-2-323518
Also from WWF, this is a frustrating report, because it contains some
of the best detailed information about the Bhutan environment, but
ther report itself is posted in a very garbled fashion -- the pages
are out of order, and one must skip through several screens, in order
to continue a passage. There isn't much here on climate change per
se, but this is still worth wading through:
Bhutan Biological Conservation Complex
Decent overview of water-related issues in Himalayan countries vis a
vis climate change, but not a lot of detail, and no contact
Implications of the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Mountain
Environments in the HKH
More on glaciers and climate change, with some good illustrations
specific to Bhutan:
The Challenges of Mountain Environments: Water, Natural Resources,
Hazards, Desertification and the Implications of Climate Change
A related paper:
Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in Nepal and Switzerland New Threats Due
to Climate Change
Only tangentially related to climate change, but a good contact, just the same:
Landslides in Bhutan
Karma Kuenza, Yeshi Dorji, Dorji Wangda
Department of Geology & Mines, G.P.O. 173,
MTI, Thimphu, Bhutan
Phone: 975-02-322879
Again, let me know if there's anything more I can do for you, and all
the best with your important work.
search strategy -- Google searches on:
[ bhutan "climate change" ]
[ bhutan glacial lake outbursts ]
[himalayas "climate change" ] |