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What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases Asked by: severisth-ga List Price: $10.00 |
30 Nov 2004 12:28 PST
Expires: 30 Dec 2004 12:28 PST Question ID: 436205 |
What are the preventative steps for avoiding these top 20 causes of death (based on this subgroup: White, Non-Hispanic, Male, Aged 24 and up)? Rank Deaths Cause of Death 1 280,824 Heart Disease 2 236,250 Malignant Neoplasms 3 53,565 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease 4 49,781 Cerebrovascular 5 41,805 Unintentional Injury 6 25,210 Diabetes Mellitus 7 23,762 Influenza & Pneumonia 8 18,991 Suicide 9 15,399 Alzheimer's Disease 10 14,812 Nephritis 11 12,784 Liver Disease 12 10,987 Septicemia 13 8,838 Parkinson's Disease 14 7,814 Aortic Aneurysm 15 7,633 Pneumonitis 16 5,523 Benign Neoplasms 17 5,316 Hypertension 18 4,507 Atherosclerosis 19 3,572 HIV 20 2,817 Homicide For instance, a preventative step for suicide would be to regularly attend counseling. I am most interested in the top 5. |
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Re: What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
Answered By: endo-ga on 30 Nov 2004 16:06 PST Rated: ![]() |
Hi, 1. To reduce heart disease risk: Coronary Heart Disease: Reducing Your Risk http://familydoctor.org/239.xml Can a Mediterranean-Style Diet Reduce Heart Disease? http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/103/13/1821 Chocolate Helps Improve Blood Flow Reduce Heart Disease http://www.healthtalk.ca/chocolate_08302004_9032.php Exercise Reduces Heart Disease Risk http://www.annecollins.com/diet-news/exercise-types-heart.htm 2. Malignant Neoplasm is a fancy name for cancer. Reducing risks: Diet: Food Choice Recommendations for Reducing Cancer Risk http://familydoctor.org/301.xml Walking, Cycling to Work May Reduce Cancer Risk http://www.planetark.com/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/28127/story.htm Common Questions About Diet and Cancer http://www.cancer.org/docroot/ped/content/ped_3_2x_common_questions_about_diet_and_cancer.asp Nutrition to Reduce Cancer Risk http://cancer.stanfordhospital.com/healthInfo/nutritionAndCancer/reduceRisk/ Reduce Cancer Risks http://www.stayinginshape.com/3sjhnh/libv/c09.shtml 3. Chronic Low, Respiratory Disease is mostly related to smoking. Reducing risks: Reducing Your Risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) http://community.healthgate.com/GetContent.asp?siteid=holycross&docid=/cid/copd/reduce Quoted from: WHO strategy for prevention and control of chronic respiratory diseases [pdf 113kb] http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/2002/WHO_MNC_CRA_02.1.pdf "Multiple determinants serve to increase the burden of CRDs. The direct and indirect exposure to tobacco smoke is the principal risk factor for its development. Other important factors include heavy exposure to air pollution derived from indoor and outdoor sources, occupational related disorders, malnutrition and low birth weight, and multiple early lung infections. Studies undertaken over the last three decades provide growing evidence of an increase in atopic diseases and sensitisation to common allergens. Prevalence of asthma is increasing, most rapidly among children, especially where urbanisation is taking place. Such factors as exposure to tobacco smoke, housing with poor ventilation, indoor allergens, viral infections, outdoor air pollution, and chemical irritants are under investigation. Conversely, there exists evidence that cleaner environments present in modern cities understimulate post-natal immune systems, leading to over-sensitization." 4. Reducing Cerebrovascular disease risks (fancy name for a stroke): Prevention of Recurrent Heart Attacks and Strokes in Low and Middle Income Populations http://www.gfmer.ch/Medical_education_En/PGC_RH_2004/Pdf/Secon_Pre.pdf Stroke http://www.truestarhealth.com/Notes/1277008.html WHAT IS A STROKE? (look for WHAT ARE THE RISK FACTORS FOR A STROKE?) http://www.reutershealth.com/wellconnected/doc45.html Cerebrovascular disease http://www.svunet.org/publications/cerebrovascular.pdf Preventing a stroke http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/stroke/prevention_index1.shtml Some good links here: Cerebrovascular Accident http://omni.ac.uk/browse/mesh/C0038454L0007816.html 5. Unintentional injuries: Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury Deaths United States, 2001 http://www.nsc.org/library/rept2000.htm Accidents/Unintentional Injuries http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/acc-inj.htm 10 Leading Causes of Unintentional Injury Deaths by Age Group ? 1999 http://www.rsf-fire.org/assets/documents/education/safety/3.Leading%20Causes%20of%20Unintentional%20Injury%20Death.1999.pdf The main causes seem to be motor accidents, poisoning and falls. So drive carefully, don't eat anything that looks suspicious and be careful on stairs and when walking on slippery surfaces. If you need any more information, please do not hesitate to ask. Thanks. endo | |
rated this answer:![]() Perfect! I'll have to sort through those and adjust my lifestyle to suit. Avoiding the leading causes = longer life! Thanks endo. |
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Re: What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
From: probonopublico-ga on 30 Nov 2004 13:02 PST |
Great question! |
Re: What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
From: severisth-ga on 30 Nov 2004 13:24 PST |
Thanks! I remember reading a quote in WIRED magazine which said that no one ever dies of old age; what happens is their age weakens them to the point that something else can finally kill them. Also, read in a fact book that without certain nutrients, conditions will arise. One that comes to mind is that without enough Iron, Anemia develops. In other words, most conditions are avoidable. While omnivorous' research suggests that extreme long life is mostly attributable to genes (http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=404928), it seems clear to me that the odds for a longer life can be substantially increased with a little research and the discipline to stick to preventative habits. At least, that's my line of thinking... |
Re: What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
From: endo-ga on 30 Nov 2004 13:32 PST |
You can start by not smoking, not drinking alcohol. Eat fatty fish and olive oil. Avoid foods with saturated fats. Don't live next to a busy street or a polluted city. Eat a varied diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, drink 8 cups of water a day, exercise for thirty minutes a day, sleep enough and in regular patterns. Avoid stress, avoid prolonged direct exposure to the sun. For point 5, don't go outside and don't keep anything sharp in your home. Avoid using stairs and walking on slippery surfaces. Thanks. endo |
Re: What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
From: severisth-ga on 30 Nov 2004 14:23 PST |
Great suggestions! They reinforce my current lifestyle. I eat a perfectly balanced diet (per American Heart Association standards), don't smoke, drink about a beer a month, am training for a marathon, don't get much sun, and don't have much stress. This comment struck me though: "Don't live next to a busy street or a polluted city." For peace of mind, I'm MUCH more content in a large city. Small town gossip and boredom drive me nuts. What are the reasons for avoiding busy streets and polluted cities? |
Re: What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
From: endo-ga on 30 Nov 2004 14:44 PST |
Hi, The reasons are pollution and noise. Cars emit lots of cancerinogenic substances. I read about a recent study that showed an impact on health for people living near busy streets. There's also the noise that will affect your sleep and increases stress. Also, brush your teeth well, use floss, it removes bacteria from your gums. Avoid salt, sugar, processed foods. Eat lots of fiber (15-20g), keep your liver and heart happy, make sure you get enough zinc (15-30mg) and vitamin C (100mg). Are you looking for many more suggestions or would you be happy with the above as an answer? Thanks. endo |
Re: What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
From: severisth-ga on 30 Nov 2004 15:30 PST |
I'm looking for itemized responses as an answer. For instance, a link to a page describing what activities have been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease... |
Re: What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
From: augusta-ga on 30 Nov 2004 17:29 PST |
I find it interesting that the top 2 causes account for 62% of the deaths. 1 Heart Disease 280,824 34% 2 Malignant Neoplasms 236,250 28% 3 Chronic Low. Respiratory Disease 53,565 6% 4 Cerebrovascular 49,781 6% 5 Unintentional Injury 41,805 5% 6 Diabetes Mellitus 25,210 3% 7 Influenza & Pneumonia 23,762 3% 8 Suicide 18,991 2% 9 Alzheimer's Disease 15,399 2% 10 Nephritis 14,812 2% 11 Liver Disease 12,784 2% 12 Septicemia 10,987 1% 13 Parkinson's Disease 8,838 1% 14 Aortic Aneurysm 7,814 1% 15 Pneumonitis 7,633 1% 16 Benign Neoplasms 5,523 1% 17 Hypertension 5,316 1% 18 Atherosclerosis 4,507 1% 19 HIV 3,572 0% 20 Homicide 2,817 0% I wonder how may of these causes can be addressed by the tripe whammy of excercise, healthy eating and stress reduction. |
Re: What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
From: severisth-ga on 30 Nov 2004 20:24 PST |
True augusta! Most of them can probably be avoided by exercise, nutrition, and stress reduction. That and regular checkups to catch some of this stuff while it's in the early stages. I read a statistic that cervical cancer only has a 71% survival rate; but if you catch it early you have nearly 100% chance of surviving. That's quite a difference! |
Re: What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
From: probonopublico-ga on 30 Nov 2004 21:34 PST |
'Unintentional injury' is a real killer ... Recently, I heard of a man playing with his two small kids and a kite. They were on top of a cliff and he stepped off it backwards. But how can anyone avoid something that was unintentional? |
Re: What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
From: riet-ga on 30 Nov 2004 21:36 PST |
Hi, I presume that this figures are for the US and not for the whole world? I think that cause no 19 (HIV) may become one of the top ones in the world as it is in Africa, if people don't stop leading recless sexual lifestyles. Since sex is one of the most effective excercises, health concious people might fall prey to HIV... |
Re: What are the preventative steps for avoiding the top 20 causes of death?
From: severisth-ga on 01 Dec 2004 07:29 PST |
Yes, these statistics are in the U.S. As a comment about health conscious people being at risk of AIDS because they have sex for exercise, something to consider is that if they are that health conscious, they are more likely to use protection and be open to being tested prior to sexual contact. |
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