I'm trying to find out current data on how many San Francisco Airport
passengers drive from Sacramento or Placer Counties on a daily or
monthly basis? |
Clarification of Question by
26 Jan 2006 20:00 PST
Maybe the San Francisco airport would have data on where the
passengers came from? I saw a study was done, but it was many years
ago. Or maybe the airlines have some data of passenger origination?
I'm considering a luxury coach service for Sacramentans that travel to
San Francisco to catch international flights not available in
Sacramento. I'm trying to figure out how many people make the drive
to evaluate the potential market. Any info on Sacramentans driving to
the Oakland airport would also be helpful.
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Jan 2006 12:21 PST
Hello gottaknowbrad-ga,
I?ve been researching your question and I?ve found several reports
that provide some information about the originating point of
passengers embarking at Bay Area airports. Unfortunately none of them
give precise information. I?ve found some very detailed reports on
passengers from Bay Area counties but not from Sacramento. (I also
think I?ve found the study you refer to in your clarification.)
In addition, I've found some reports and papers on future outlook for
California, Bay Area and Sacramento air transportation. These reports
provide lots of information that would give you a basis for analyzing
traffic and transportation trends to come up with some reasonable
estimates of how many people using Bay Area airports travel from
Sacramento, Placer County and other San Joaquin Valley points. Would
these reports meet your needs?
I look forward to your clarification.
~ czh ~
Clarification of Question by
27 Jan 2006 14:08 PST
I don't think your reports will do it for me since they refer to
FUTURE OUTLOOKS of AIRLINE travel. I'm looking for hard data such as
"x number of people departed SFO last year and of that number, y
number of people were from Sacramento County and z number of people
were from Placer County."
I know that sometimes people people drive from the Sacramento area to
the San Francisco Airport to catch a flight that isn't offered from
the Sacramento Airport or is much cheaper from San Francisco.
Unfortunately I don't know if were talking about 5 people, 50 people,
or 500 people a day. Any help with that would be appreciated. I know
that people from the Sacramento area also sometimes drive to Oakland
to catch a flight from there. Maybe there is better information on
Sacramentans departing Oakland and that would suffice. Thanks for
your help.
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Jan 2006 16:51 PST
Hello gottaknowbrad-ga,
The information I?ve found is both retrospective and prospective and
are useful for monitoring changes and emerging trends. The reports
I've found should help you come up with reasonable estimates of the
number of travelers going to the three Bay Area airports from the
areas you?re interested in.
I?ve located a series of reports based on airline passenger surveys
conducted by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission of the Bay
Area every five years at the three major airports ? San Francisco,
Oakland and San Jose. These surveys provide detailed information for
the nine counties included in the metropolitan area.
The reports also show the number and/or percent of passengers who are
not from the metropolitan area. They also provide some regional
information and one of the regions addressed is Sacramento which is
defined as Sacramento, Placer and Yolo counties. You can use these
statistics to extrapolate a maximum number of passengers traveling
from the Sacramento region to each of the three metropolitan airports.
These reports also offer some detailed information about the modes of
transportation used in addition to personal automobiles that might be
useful to you in evaluating the market for your proposed luxury coach
service. Detailed tables are available for the nine counties of the
metropolitan area but the information provided will give you some
excellent starting points for evaluating your market.
I?m providing you with the links for the sites I?ve found so that you
can see what is available. Please don?t hesitate to ask for further
help with interpreting the links I?ve provided.
I?ve spent several hours on this question and I don?t think you?ll
find anything else online that will give you more exact information.
Please review the reports I?ve identified and let me know if they will
meet your needs. Thanks.
~ czh ~
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)
2001/02 Airline Passenger Survey
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) has undertaken
surveys of departing passengers at the region?s three large commercial
airports at approximately five-year intervals since 1975. The surveys
have been undertaken with the active cooperation (and financial
support) of the three airport authorities. The four surveys conducted
between 1975 and 1990 were limited to the summer (?peak travel?)
months only, but the one carried out in 1995 introduced a fall
(?off-peak?) phase as well.
The primary purpose and use of the series of departing passenger
surveys has been for ground access planning. The questions, therefore,
have focused primarily on details of the landside trip, and on the
factors judged to influence ground access behaviors. The resulting
databases are intended primarily to facilitate the modeling of ground
access choices, to permit analysis of alternative policies with regard
to airport access.
Download the Final Report for the 2001/02 Airline Passenger Survey
(PDF Format, 1.8 MB)
Download the Final Report and Tables for the 2001/02 Airline Passenger
Survey (zipped version of PDF and XLS files, 7.7 MB)
Download the Detailed Data Files for the 2001/02 Airline Passenger
Survey (zipped version of ASCII and WORD documentation files, 2.4 MB)
1995 MTC Airline Passenger Survey: Final Report
Download the final report for the 1995 MTC Airline Passenger Survey.
The files are in Microsoft Word format. Requires WINZIP or PKUNZIP to
extract archived files.
Table 26 displays trends in county and region of origin for each of
the major airports since the initiation of the airline passenger
survey in 1975.
Air Passenger Survey 1990 - San Francisco Bay Area
( * Air party origins from outside the nine-county Bay Area account
for only 2.4 percent of all air party origins.)
National Transportation Library -- Airports and Facilities
1994 Regional Transportation Plan for the San Francisco Bay Area
Regional Airport Planning
Aviation Demand Forecasts (February 2000): Executive Summary
Figure ES.2
Distribution of Air Passengers to Airports
(Calendar Years 2010 and 2020)
Development of a National Database of Air Passenger Survey Data
Sacramento International Airport Master Plan -- February 2004
Bay Area Airports