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Prerequistes of a spiritual relationship with God
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: onegod-ga List Price: $9.50 |
01 Dec 2004 23:50 PST
Expires: 31 Dec 2004 23:50 PST Question ID: 436970 |
Prerequisites of a spiritual relationship with God 1. According to God and the experience of holy men, can you tell me the human qualities most often associated with obtaining graces and spiritual gifts from God? 2. Are graces and spiritual gifts from God accessible by all people regardless of intelligence, education, race, or religion (as measured by the reported experience of holy people), and can any ordinary lay individual pursue and nurture an actual (personally verifiable via granted gifts, and graces) spiritual relationship, including communication with God, or must any person seeking God's gifts and graces only ready themselves through purity, etc., and then necessarily wait for a call from God? I. e.: Can we as ordinary untrained individuals seek and build spiritual progress and a relationship with God, or can that development of a relationship only come after God unmistakably calls that individual? |
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Re: Prerequistes of a spiritual relationship with God
From: pugwashjw-ga on 02 Dec 2004 01:30 PST |
What a marvellous question. The answer is obedience to God`s laws and meekness. however, do not mistake meekmess for weakness. Numbers 12;3 says "And the man Moses was by far the meekest of all the men who were upon the surface of the ground". This same man, who was once a doted upon prince in the court of pharoah, but born in 1593 B.C.E. to a Jewish mother [Jochebed and father [Amram]. Rescued from the river by Pharoah`s daughter, He grew up in court. The whole story is in the Book of Exodus. This same man, under god`s direction and guidance, led all the Jews who were slaves to Pharoah, out of Egypt towards the promised land, Canaan, now Israel. No weak man could have achieved that. Psalms 37;11 and 29 state that the "meek" will inherit the earth. Verse 37 says "Watch the blameless one and keep the upright one in sight" The many separate laws that God required the Jews to follow all those 1500 years from Moses` time to Jesus` are neatly wrapped up in one direction from Jesus himself. Love God, keep his commandments and love your fellow man. [Luke 10;27] First Corinthians 1;27.."but God chose the foolish things of the world, that He might put the wise men to shame; and God chose the weak things of the world, that He might put the strong things to shame.[28] and God chose the ignoble things of the world and the things looked down upon , the things that are not, that He might bring to nothing the things that are.[29] in order that no flesh may boast inthe sight of God". |
Re: Prerequistes of a spiritual relationship with God
From: augusta-ga on 02 Dec 2004 05:56 PST |
If you believe that God created you then you already believe that you have a relationship with God, i.e. Creator --> created. |
Re: Prerequistes of a spiritual relationship with God
From: pugwashjw-ga on 03 Dec 2004 06:29 PST |
Hi Augusta..Its not possible to have a relationship with anyone unless you know them. For example, I know "OF" the president of the United states, but I do not know him. So no relationship. Because of his perfection, God knows each one of us, but unless we make the effort to know Him, and not just "OF" Him, we can have no relationship. And these days, because God has ceased talking to humans, the only information on his qualities is found in his own book, need I say it, the Bible. But we still have the channel of prayer to let Him know our feelings and He encourages that. The example was set by His son Jesus, and is an example we should follow. |
Re: Prerequistes of a spiritual relationship with God
From: amber00-ga on 03 Dec 2004 08:51 PST |
An important prerequisite to any relationship is that both parties have to exist. |
Re: Prerequistes of a spiritual relationship with God
From: alex101-ga on 03 Dec 2004 12:13 PST |
You already have a relationship with God as you were created by Him, you live in the world He created, etc. You, being created by God, already have been given God given gifts as well as being a recipient of the Grace of God. You are a "child of God." Anyone can nurture and grow in their relationship with God. Just knock and the door will be opened to you. Just seek and ask. It's that simple. Man-made formulas are just that. You don't have to "earn" God's love and acceptance. |
Re: Prerequistes of a spiritual relationship with God
From: augusta-ga on 03 Dec 2004 21:11 PST |
Hi Pugwash, It's not necessary to know an individual to have a relationship with them. I live in a world where the decisions and policies of the President of the United States have real effects on my life. In that way I have a relationship with him. If I was a U.S. citizen that relationship would be even stronger. We do not know the people that programmed this web site, but we have a relationship with them because we are benefitting from the results of their creativity, labour and skill. If they hadn't one what they did I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now. |
Re: Prerequistes of a spiritual relationship with God
From: augusta-ga on 03 Dec 2004 21:12 PST |
[typo correction] If they hadn't have done what they did I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now. |
Re: Prerequistes of a spiritual relationship with God
From: pugwashjw-ga on 06 Dec 2004 06:00 PST |
Hi Augusta, I hear what you say, but its not a personal relationship. Its only knowledge that the other person/s/organizations exists, even if them/it has an effect on your life/ The Bible says that Abraham and God were " friends". God sp[oke directly to Abraham. We may never know how He did it, but God inspired all the Bible writers. Surely just knowing " about" God, does not put us on the way to being his friend. The Bible gives us many examples of how God wants us to live our lives. It is not possible to just know about God, then go and murder someone, and still claim a relationship. Even Jesus said.."get away from me you workers of lawlessness...And He was talking about the Jewish leaders of His day. With 1500 years of study behind them, they were so tied up with tradition that they did not recognise Jesus as being the promised Messiah. |
Re: Prerequistes of a spiritual relationship with God
From: onegod-ga on 10 Mar 2005 12:24 PST |
Ahh... I see. Unity and Oneness with God. |
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