Hello Jenny33,
?To know the best time to get pregnant, it is first important to
evaluate when your ovulation due is. Then, once you know your
ovulation period, you can time sexual intercourse in accordance with
it to increase your chances of getting pregnant.?
?A rise in body temperature can also be an indication though it cannot
really pin point the best time to get pregnant. Following ovulation,
your basal body temperature can increase by 0.5 to 1.6 degrees. You
won't feel the shift, but you can detect it by using a basal
thermometer. This temperature hike is caused due to increase in the
production of the hormone progesterone stimulated by ovulation. The
best time to get pregnant is in the two or three days before your
temperature hits its high point. A few experts think you may have an
additional 12 to 24 hour window of fertility after you first notice
the temperature creep up, but most say at that point it's too late to
make a baby. Charting your basal temperature for a few months can help
you pinpoint when you ovulate. This allows you to plan having sex 2 to
3 days before ovulation to increase your chances of getting pregnant.?
?Folic acid is a synthetic form of folate, a B vitamin that can help
reduce the risk of serious birth defects that affect the brain and
spinal cord. For this reason, the FDA recommends that all women
attempting pregnancy take folic acid supplements for decreasing
chances of birth defects.?
Timing is Everything - ?You will have little chance of getting
pregnant if you had sex on the wrong days and missed the most fertile
ones. Figure out your ovulation days with our ovulation calendar to
increase your chances of conception. Read our articles on Ovulation
and Signs of ovulation to assist you in knowing your fertile period.
Ovulation predictor kits can also help you figure out when you're
ovulating by detecting hormones in your urine that signal ovulation is
about to occur.?
Quit smoking, drinking and drugs - now
Cut down on Caffeine
Get your weight in check
Mind Control
Buy something sexy
Positioning yourself
Increase the Odds
And finally ?Ask your partner to chuck all briefs and opt for boxers
instead for a healthy sperm count. Also, having sex in the morning
would help since the semen has the highest number of sperm then.?
?Dr. Wilcox says, "If the average healthy couple wants to get
pregnant, they are just as well off to relax and forget "fertile
windows" and simply engage in unprotected intercourse at least two or
three times over the course of each week."
?Well, strangely, and I know this isn't easy, the best way to
conceive a child is not to be too concerned about it. There's a
strange thing seems to happen which is that the more it is a big deal
for you the harder it is to get pregnant. The important thing is to
enjoy your sex life and your relationship and just don't use any form
of contraception. Then it will happen when it will happen.
So what about frequency? To a certain extent, yes, the more times
you have sex the more chances you have of conceiving. However,
remember how your monthly cycle works. About 14 days BEFORE a period
you produce an egg cell. The two or three days before this happens and
the week after it happens are the days you are most likely to
conceive. It is possible to conceive at other times but much less so
(some people even use calendar prediction for contraception, only
having sex well before the egg cell is produced and well afterwards).
Enjoy life, relax, and especially enjoy sex around the middle of your
cycle.? Dr Bob Leckridge
?Assuming there are no fertility problems, it may still take several
months to conceive. In fact a couple without fertility problems has
only a 25% chance of making a baby each month. Therefore, timing
intercourse may be very helpful to enhance the chance for pregnancy.
It is important to remember however, that many other factors must be
present for fertilization to take place. The male must produce a
sufficient number of normal, actively moving sperm in order to achieve
?The Key to timing intercourse to the 4 day window most likely to
result in pregnancy is to monitor your menstrual cycle and predict
ovulation. Simply put, a woman who wishes to become pregnant may
increase her chances of conception enormously by having intercourse
around the time of ovulation. Fortunately, tools exist to assist in
this process. Some basic tests that can be performed at home to
predict/monitor ovulation are urinary ovulation prediction testing and
basal body temperature monitoring (BBT). Monitoring certain body signs
such as cervical mucus consistency and quantity may also be helpful
along with these tests. We will begin our discussion with ovulation
prediction testing.? Please read the entire site here, and all the
sites I have posted for complete information.
?Watch for changes in cervical mucus - Just before ovulation, you'll
notice an increase in clear, slippery vaginal secretions ? if you
check for it. These secretions typically resemble raw egg whites.
After ovulation, when the odds of becoming pregnant are slim, the
discharge will become cloudy and sticky or disappear entirely.
? Pros: Changes in vaginal secretions are often an accurate sign of
impending fertility. Simple observation is all that's needed,
particularly inside the vagina.
? Cons: Judging the texture or appearance of vaginal secretions can be
somewhat subjective.?
?Don?t take medication without your doctor's OK. Certain medications ?
even those available without a prescription ? can make it difficult to
conceive. Others may not be safe once you're pregnant.?
?Having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant. Couples often try
to time everything perfectly for ovulation but do not have sex when
they think they are not ovulating. It is true that sex that is not
within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy. However,
because women do not always ovulate when they think they will, having
sex three times a week will help to a woman cover her bases, so to
speak, and not miss an opportunity to get pregnant.?
?Make sure you are in good health and have had a regular check up from
your OBGYN or medical provider. Untreated infections, sexually
transmitted diseases, or poor health can affect your chances of
getting pregnant. Its good to see a doctor as well as start taking
prenatal vitamins prior to trying to conceive.?
?But the problem is accurately identifying this fertile time as it
varies from woman to woman and also in individuals. It usually happens
about two weeks before the period, but it could be earlier or later.
If you want to get pregnant, there are two ways to time sex to
coincide with the fertile time. One way is to have sex every day. If
you are too tired for this, take your temperature every morning at the
same time before you get out of bed and record it carefully. While
your temperature will vary slightly from day to day, it will rise
sharply by about 0.2 degrees C and stay up at the time of ovulation.
That's the time. Enjoy two days of frantic sex. Some women can also
feel the time of ovulation by a change in the way they feel inside, or
by bleeding slightly.
This method is often advocated as a contraceptive-free way of actually
avoiding getting pregnant, but it is not reliable enough. There are
many other reasons why your temperature might rise, leading to the
impression that three days later you are safe. You can't really rely
on using this knowledge as a foolproof method of contraception, as it
is too hard to tell exactly when ovulation occurs.
Interesting to note that the texture of vaginal mucus also changes
during the fertile period and many women feel higher libido at this
time as well. Oh, and if the woman puts a pillow under her hips during
intercourse it increases penetration and hence improves the chance of
conception! Which brings us nicely on to the fact that... ?
?Go over all of the medicines you take (prescriptions,
over-the-counter medicines you buy without prescriptions, and herbals)
with your doctor and ask if they are safe to take while you are trying
to get pregnant or are pregnant.?
?Ask your partner to limit how much alcohol he drinks. If he uses
illegal drugs or smokes, encourage him to quit. Studies show that men
who drink a lot, smoke, or use drugs can have problems with their
sperm. These might cause you to have problems getting pregnant.?
?Only 20% of women who are trying to get pregnant are successful on
the first attempt, so don't lose hope or assume something is wrong.?
?If the mathematics don't add up, it's because many couples experience
more than one problem when trying to conceive: for example, you may
suffer from endometriosis, but your partner may also have a low sperm
Interestingly, the most common cause of infertility is 'unexplained',
which means that following thorough investigations, doctors can find
no specific or identifiable medical problem at the root. But this is
where a natural approach can come into play. If a couple fails to
become pregnant, there is obviously something causing the problem.
It's no good labelling infertility 'unexplained'. The answer is to
look deeper - at lifestyle factors, nutritional deficiencies and even
emotional elements.?
Trying to Conceive Diet
?Women having difficulty conceiving tend to not realize that their
life is their garden, not merely their womb. Many women's lives tend
to be jam-packed with work, or they are so stressed they don't have an
extra moment to nurture themselves in a day's time. Or they have
become so out-of-balance emotionally, that these emotional weeds are
choking out the potential for seeding and sprouting. In other words,
their energy is not conducive to creating a garden in which successful
conception and pregnancy can occur. There is nothing mystifying at all
about why so many of these women have fertility problems or
miscarriages: their "fertility switch" is "off!" When on a fertility
journey, it is vitally important to make choices that women, and their
men as well, to begin tipping their life energy in favor of fertility.
A place to begin this tipping process is with a particular type of
energy on the energy spectrum, called intention energy. Intention
means being deliberate and purposeful. Obviously, successful
conception and birth is an intention. The problem is that, on the
spectrum of fertility and infertility, many women do not know that
they have been tipping their scales in favor of infertility. They do
not recognize how their worry, despair, sadness and fear about their
unsuccessful efforts (in addition to other issues they have) are
energies tilting their momentum away from getting pregnant. Their
hope, trust and knowing that they can become a mother become
hard-to-see specks of light.:
All kinds of tips:
Getting ready
Getting pregnant using an ovulation calendar:
?You can increase your chances of getting pregnant if you understand
the ovulation process and how it fits into your monthly menstrual
cycle. During each menstrual cycle, the endometrial tissue thickens to
prepare the uterus for a possible pregnancy. Approximately midway
through the cycle, ovulation occurs. Ovulation is the process by which
an ovary produces and releases an egg. The egg develops in the ovary
in a small, fluid-filled sac called a follicle. When the egg is mature
this sac ruptures, releasing the egg from the ovary. The fingerlike
projections on the nearby fallopian tube sweep the egg into the tube,
where it begins to inch toward the uterus. If the egg is fertilized by
a sperm, the fertilized egg moves to the uterus and becomes implanted
in the rich uterine lining, where it grows for nine months.
If the egg does not become fertilized during ovulation (that is, if
you do not become pregnant), the thickened endometrial tissue breaks
down and passes, along with the unfertilized egg, out of the cervix,
through the vagina, and out of the body as the menstrual discharge.?
Pregnancy Week by Week
Pregnancy Information
Pregnancy resources
Healthy Pregnancies
Personal Stories
Mother?s stories (note, most of this is anecdotal advice, not medical
or scientific information)
Getting pregnant
Conception Success Stories
?We literally had exhausted every suggestion I had heard of from the
fertile community. My husband had changed to boxer shorts, I cut
caffeine out of my diet, and we went on those vacations! Still, after
three years of trying all of these stunts, I could not believe that we
could be having problems conceiving a child. After all, bad things
never seemed to happen to me!?
Fertility Forums
Fertility and Pregnancy Forums
Additional Information:
Laptops and male fertility
TTC Tips
These products are not endorsed by myself or Google Answers, but they
looked interesting!
?Pre-Seed is the first and only ?Sperm-Friendly" Intimate Moisturizer
that replenishes your natural moisture while providing an optimal
environment for sperm. Pre-Seed?s moisture mimics natural body
secretions to relieve vaginal dryness - with the same pH and
osmolarity as semen. Pre~Seed also protects cell function and acts as
a "antioxidant" - supporting both conception and pleasurable
I hope this helps you in your endeavor! If any part of my answer is
unclear, please request an Answer Clarification, and allow me to
respond, before you rate. I will be happy to assist you further on
this question.
Sincerely, Crabcakes
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