Over the last few years, I've heard a number of business owners
complain how they had to return payments from a newly bankrupt
I'm having trouble finding research about this (for the exception of this snippet):
... Also, in the three months before you go into bankruptcy, do not
try to favor one creditor over another when it comes to paying your
bills. Bankruptcy courts can go back and recover such money from
creditors who received payments from debtors before the debtor filed
for bankruptcy if those payments were more than the creditor would
receive in a liquidation. Happens all the time. And if there is some
sort of fraud involved in the payment of one creditor as opposed to
another (i.e., payment is made without the debtor having received
something of value in return) in the year prior to the filing of a
petition for bankruptcy, the court can void the transaction and force
the creditor to repay the money.
As a business owner, is there any strategy to be bulletproof from
having to return a payment due to a recent bankruptcy? |