Translation from German
Category: Reference, Education and News > Education Asked by: leander1-ga List Price: $8.00 |
25 Jan 2006 01:58 PST
Expires: 24 Feb 2006 01:58 PST Question ID: 437417 |
Me again with yet another tranalation (probably the last, or next-to-last, this time round: Fragestellung An der Pädagogischen Hochschule Rorschach (PHR) ist ein neuer Nachdiplomkurs "Fördern in Schriftsprache und Mathematik" entwickelt worden. Im August 2005 begann der erste Kurs mit 25 Teilnehmenden. Er umfasst 40 Ausbildungstage und erstreckt sich über 1 _ Jahre. Es ist geplant, den Kurs mindestens zwei weitere Male durchzuführen. Der Pilotkurs wird durch die Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik (HfH) evaluiert. Gegenstand der Evaluation ist die Wirkung, welche die Ausbildung auf das berufliche Handeln der Kursteilnehmenden hat. Damit wird das Berufsfeld zur Referenzgrösse für die Untersuchung. |
Re: Translation from German
Answered By: politicalguru-ga on 25 Jan 2006 03:13 PST Rated: |
Dear Leander, Here is the translation: A new course, "Support in the Literary Language and in Mathematics", has been developed at the Peadagogic College in Rorschech (PHR). The first course beganin August 2005 with 25 participants. It is comprised of 40 training days, and spans accross a year. It is planned to hold the course at least two more times. The pilot course will be avaluated by the Intercantonal College for Curative Education (HfH). The purpose of the evaluation is to examine the impact that the course has on the professional activities of the course's participants. The occupational field will so become the frame of reference for the examination. Please contact me if you need any clarification on this. |
rated this answer:
I actually leave the names of the institutions in the original German, but othgerwise a great answer. Thank you again. |
Re: Translation from German
From: politicalguru-ga on 26 Jan 2006 02:12 PST |
Thank you for the rating. I was also considering that, just to be on the safe side, I translated them. |
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