In this problem you will construct a subset V of [0, 1)
which is not Lebesgue measurable.
(This example was discovered by Vitali in 1905.)
(a) For x, y in [0, 1) we define x(+)y to be x + y if x + y in [0, 1),
and to be x + y ? 1 otherwise, so that always x (+) y in [0, 1).
Make a similar definition for x (-) y, and show that your definition makes sense.
(b) Next write x ~ y if and only if x (-) y is rational.
Show that this is an equivalence relation, i.e.,
that it is symmetric, reflexive, and transitive
(c) The equivalence relation in (b) partitions [0,1) into equivalence classes.
Use the axiom of choice to choose one element
from each equivalence class to form the set V.
(d) For each rational number r in [0,1), let Vr = { r (+) x : x in V }.
Let Q be the set of rational numbers in [0,1). Show that
[0,1)=UNION 'r in Q' Vr (***), --V sub r--
and that the sets Vr are pairwise disjoint.
(e) Let A denote Lebesgue measure. Assume that the set V is measurable.
Show that then each set Vr is also measurable, and
that lamda(V) = lamda(Vr) for all r in Q.
(Lebesgue measure has the property that it is translation invariant, i.e.,
for any measurable set E C E, and for any x in R,
we have lamda(E) = lamda(E + x), where E + x = {x + y: y e E}).
(f) Show that all this leads to a contradiction, as follows.
By (***), [0,1) is a countable union of disjoint measurable sets.
Hence lamda([0,1)) = SUM 'r in Q' lamda(Vr).
All the sets Vr have the same measure as V.
If lamda(V) = 0, it follows that 1 = lamda([0,1)) = 0, and that's impossible.
Hence lamda(V) > 0, and so lamda([0,1)) = oo, and that's also impossible.
Hence V cannot be measurable. |