Ratio of quarters to dimes to nickels to pennies in circulation
Category: Business and Money > Economics Asked by: jakedobkin-ga List Price: $5.00 |
25 Jan 2006 18:28 PST
Expires: 24 Feb 2006 18:28 PST Question ID: 437702 |
We're interested in finding out the ratio of four major types of United States coins in circulation-- that requires knowing how many coins of each type are currently in circulation. We'd be extra grateful for reference links you could add. Approximations are okay-- we don't need an exact answer, but we'd like it to be reasonably accurate. | |
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There is no answer at this time. |
Re: Ratio of quarters to dimes to nickels to pennies in circulation
From: hardtofindbooks-ga on 25 Jan 2006 18:55 PST |
US Mint figures for coin production 2003-2005 can be found here http://www.usmint.gov/about_the_mint/coin_production/index.cfm?action=production_figures assuming a similar turnover for each denomination this will give a good idea of the ratio of circulating coins |
Re: Ratio of quarters to dimes to nickels to pennies in circulation
From: thither-ga on 25 Jan 2006 19:02 PST |
A few thoughts: "Two Hundred Billion Pennies Current estimates by the U.S. Mint place the number of pennies in circulation at around 140 billion. Others have estimated as many as 200 billion currently circulating. Since the first penny was minted in 1787, until present-day, over 300 billion pennies have been minted in the United States. So that leaves about 100 billion pennies that have been retired by the Mint, lost down sewer drains, stored in jars, smashed by trains, or collected by numismatists in the past 200 years." "The rest will become part of the roughly 18.9 billion nickels in circulation. ..." I hope this helps - if you need the references please let me know. Have a good day. |
Re: Ratio of quarters to dimes to nickels to pennies in circulation
From: hardtofindbooks-ga on 26 Jan 2006 17:56 PST |
Coin shipments 1990-2000 can be found here http://www.usmint.gov/about_the_mint/annual_report/index.cfm?action=operations_00_ann_rpt Sshipments are slightly different from production figures and can be either higher or lower, but they are a more accurate estimate of actual changes to circulating numbers. It can be seen there has been somewhat of a shift to higher denomination coins since 1990. |
Re: Ratio of quarters to dimes to nickels to pennies in circulation
From: hardtofindbooks-ga on 26 Jan 2006 22:26 PST |
for coins shipped by the US Mint 1990-2000, the averages to the nearest 0.25% 1c - 66.5%, 5c - 8.25%, 10c - 13.25%, 25c - 12% |
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