[ooops...meant to post the above as an Answer. Here it is again]
Lee Iacocca is the founder and current Chairman of a company called
EVglobal, maker of the E-Bike, and can be contacted at:
Lee Iacocca
EV Global Motors Company
3631 Union Pacific Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90023
(800) 871-4545 toll free
(323) 266-3456 phone
(323) 266-4799 fax
The general email address for the company is:
and there is a form here that can be used to contact Mr. Iacocca:
Lee Iacocca welcomes your comments or suggestions...
though I imagine the odds are slim that the messages go directly to
the Chairman. Still, it's worth a shot...
You can read a bit about the company itself here:
I trust that's everything you need, but if not, just post a Request
for Clarification to let me know how I can be of further assistance.
search strategy -- Used off-line library directories, and a visit to
the EVglobal website. |