"Spoke" by Hannah Weiner
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature Asked by: bellybutton19-ga List Price: $8.00 |
04 Dec 2004 15:30 PST
Expires: 03 Jan 2005 15:30 PST Question ID: 438152 |
I'm looking for a book. The book is "Spoke" by Hannah Weiner. As much information as I know about locating it can be found on Amazon.com . http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0940650266/qid=1102198748/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-2068457-0622461?v=glance&s=books The answer I'm looking for will be a reliable source for acquiring this book. Things that I do not expect, but will be impressed with, in an answer include: not specially printing the book just for me, being less expensive, etc. The A+ answer would be an online .PDF or equivalent that I can (purchace, then) print at home. However, any source of "Spoke" would be a succesful answer. If my location comes into question, I am in the Minneapolis-St. Paul (Minnesota) area. | |
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Re: "Spoke" by Hannah Weiner
Answered By: juggler-ga on 04 Dec 2004 18:59 PST Rated: |
Okay, thank you. We'll make eCampus.com the official answer. http://www.ecampus.com/bk_detail.asp?isbn=0940650266 -------- search strategy: spoke 0940650266 Thanks again, and best of luck with your order! |
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Even better than an A+ answer! |
Re: "Spoke" by Hannah Weiner
From: juggler-ga on 05 Dec 2004 15:43 PST |
Thank you for the tip. -juggler |
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