Clarification of Answer by
06 Dec 2004 04:36 PST
Dear Quik-4-Life,
I have two further issues except for the one that you've mentioned.
The United Nations and Anti-Semitism
Reagrding the UN, this is a very interesting topic in my opinion. The
UN has been one of the main arenas for both Cold War blocs, as well as
for the "Third World", to express their views and promote their own
bloc's positions. This has led to a series of decisions that
reflected, more than anything, the strength of Arab League countries
in the UN.
In 1975, the UN declared that Zionism, the national movement of the
Jews, is "racism". No such declaration, denying the right of a group
to claim that it is a nation, has been ever made against any other
group or nation. Hence, this decision smells, (not only IMHO), of
In 2001, in a UN conference held in Durban (South Africa) against
racism, anti-Semitism has been omitted from the agenda (despite being
a form of racism), and jewish organisations have been excluded.
A declaration on religious intolerance published in 2003, omitted
anti-Semitism, because of the pressure of Arab Nations.
Only in 2004, the UN began to take steps against anti-Semitism.
ADL, Durban pages, <>
ADL, "ADL Welcomes U.N. Leadership on Anti-Semitism; Says Nations Must
Stop Denying the Problem",
Anne Bayefsky, "What Else I Don't Like About the UN", Wall Street
Journal, December 8, 2003,
------, "The UN and the Jews", Commentary, February 2004
<> PDF
-----, "One Small Step: Anti-Semitism and the United Nations", Wall
Street Journal - June 21, 2004,
Abraham H. Foxman, "At UN, Arabs Reveal Anti-Semitism", ADL Site
(Originally published in New York Jewish Week on August 13, 2004)
Gablinger, T. 2003 "Zionism: A Perspective on the Jewish-Israeli
Experience in the Arab-Israeli Conflict" _History Behind the
Headlines_ vol. 6 (Gale Group).
Jeff Jacoby, "Anti-Semitism and the UN", _Boston Globe_ June 24, 2004,
Jerusalem Post , "Jew-Hatred in Durban", September 3 , 2001,
Palestine Facts, "Why was the Durban UN World Conference Against
Racism in 2001 anti-Israel?"
Other Ideas:
(1) Anti Semitism in Latin America: in Argentina during the Military
Dictatorship: a larger part of the estimated 30,000 who "disappeared"
in Argentina were Jews; Jews who have been arrested reported
anti-Semitic attacks. Here, you'll still witness much of the "old"
Christian anti-Semitism, namely, blaming Jews as Christ-killers, etc.
TO THE DEMOCRATIC ERA", Antisemitism Worldwide 2002/3,
Jewish Virtual Library, Argentina,
Argentina, Israel, and the Jews: Peron, the Eichmann Capture and After
by Raanan Rein (book)
(2) "Christian" "Patriotic Groups"/Identity Groups/Militias/etc. -
hmmmm... IMHO this target is too easy, It is rather clear that they
are (partially) anti-Semitic. There is a comprehensive book by James
Aho about the groups, including the connection they make between their
version of Christianity and expressing anti-Semitic views:
ADL, Christian Identity, <
Aho, James, _The Politics of Righteousness_ WA: University of Washington Press.
Viola Larson "Identity: A 'Christian' Religion for White Racists"
_Christian Research Journal_ (Fall 1992, page 20)
Religious Tolerance, Christian Identity
- How the Nazi ideology was justified by Christians (as menioned
above)? Some Christian theologists or leaders cooperated with the
Nazis, while others, like Martin Niemoeller and Nibuehr, expressed
sharp criticism on its idelogy.
- Elements of Christian anti-Semitism in Nazi ideology: On one hand,
Nazi ideology was "modern", because it sought to eliminate the Jews as
a "race", and also persecuted Jews who had converted to Christianity.
On the other, however, Nazi ideology used many principles of "classic"
Post-Holocaust Theology
Both Jewish and Chritian theologists had a problem to explain such a
moral crime. On the extreme right fringes, you'd might find those who
justify the Holocaust or deny its existence, but most of the discourse
was on how to prevent such an event; and what are the theologcial
consequences of the Holocaust. Some important points here are the
Second Vatican Council (which was inspired by the Church's policy
during the Holocaust); the view of the Jew as the martyr, or even as
the modern crusified in some Protestant traditions; and general
attempts to reconcile (but also - with some - the belief that the
Holocaust was the "pubishment" of the Jews for not believing in
On Jewish Christian Relations
Holocaust Theology: A Reader by Dan Cohn-Sherbok (New York University
Press, 2002).
Thinking the Shadow of Hell: The Impact of the Holocaust on Theology
and Jewish-Christian-Relations by Jacques B. Doukhan (Andrews
University Press, 2002)
Prospects for Post-Holocaust Theology: Israel in the Theologies of
Karl Abrth, Jurgen Moltmann, and Paul Van Buren (American Academy of
Religion Academy Series) by Stephen Haynes (Oxford University Press,
German Protestants Remember the Holocaust: Theology and the
Construction of Collective Memory by K. Hannah Holtschneider (Lit
Verlag, 2002)
Modern Ant-Semitism
The Return of Anti-Semitism by Gabriel Schoenfeld (Ecounter, 2003)
The New Anti-Semitism : The Current Crisis and What We Must Do About It
by Phyllis Chesler (Jossey Bass, 2003).
I hope this helps a little more.