This is a copy of an email I have sent. I cannot find a supplier.
The product is the same fabric used for thermal lining behind drapes
that you see in hotels. It is white and feels rubbery and is usually
coated woth acrylic or polyurethane. I have sent emails to Crowntex
Sschwangen Kuangin Xmmetals and
dyeing in Paki. My use is not for drapery lining. I do not want any US suppliers |
Clarification of Question by
05 Dec 2004 08:36 PST
We are looking to buy three 40' containers of 3 pass thermal blackout fabric.
What can you offer? We can use 48" to 120" wide.
If this is not your product, can you recommend other suppliers who can
handle this, in any country?
Larry Dunn
Dunn Mfg Corp 1400 Goldmine Road, Monroe, North Carolina, USA 28110
Tel-704-283-2147 FAX 704-289-6857 DUNNNC@AOL.COM or
Or Larry F Dunn
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Dec 2004 09:20 PST
Hello Larry,
It would be a great help to have a commercial description of this
material -- what do the people in the business call it, and how do
they describe it. Do you know of a US supplier for this material?
Are there any websites that sell this material?
The more we can get familiar with actual suppliers (even in the US)
the better we can search for alternative sources.
Let us know if there is any more information you can provide.
Clarification of Question by
06 Dec 2004 18:58 PST
The US source is Rockland Industries in Balt Md They call it Roc-Lon.
It is made from foamed acrylic coated onto a sheeting.
Request for Question Clarification by
06 Dec 2004 19:37 PST
Hello Larry,
Thanks for the added info.
Please have a look at these two links and let me know what you think:
As you can see, the product description is awfully similar to the
drapery liners you mentioned.
However, it's hard to know from the information at hand just how
similar the various materials are. You'll probably need to contact
the manufacturer in China directly, to initiate an exchange of
information and specs.
Does this seem to be on the mark...?
Clarification of Question by
08 Dec 2004 07:00 PST
I have sent emails to the two places ou listed. However I think that
it is a manufacturer of actual drapes, not the fabric itself. I am
really looking for a coating company which sells the fabric to drapery
manufacturers. I was told by a friend that there are at least 6 or 7
firms in east Asia that do this altho he could not give me names
Request for Question Clarification by
08 Dec 2004 07:05 PST
Let me know what sort of response you get from the emails.
It's a bit hard to tell from the company descirption at Alibaba --
which is in somewhat broken English -- whether they supply fabrics in
addition to finished drapes, so I'm quite curious to hear the response
you get.
Mean time, I'll look to see if there are other suppliers out there...