1)Design the following smart information and security system for a
university campus. Show all network components, give signaling flows,
describe interfaces, refer to standards and technologies of your
choice. Make sure all messages are marked with the information
All staff, administrators, faculty, and students of campus, world?s
safest and most pleasant university, receive an id badge. Campus
Police are equipped with wireless terminals with a graphical user
interface that shows the location of any suspicious activity.
a) The system will allow faculty keyless entry to their offices.
Design the system and show the message flow that takes place when one
person tries to enter his neighbor?s office.
b)If a person who is not a campus community member walks into a dorm
building, campus safety personnel receive the place and alarm level
associated with this event on the active campus map on their handheld
wireless device. Show the message flow.
2)Implement the smart registrar?s display at the student center that
will give information that is of interest to the students and faculty
in their viewing area. For instance, at the beginning of the semester,
if campus student is in the viewing area of this smart display, the
schedule and room assignment of the courses he?s enrolled in that
semester, in addition to other courses he may be interested in/ that
are recommended for his academic growth, should be displayed. |