Dear pogu-ga,
Here is a list of names of people who have written articles in The
Guardian. I recognise the vast majority of the names, so in that
respect I suppose they can be called ?famous?. All but one of the
links to the Guardian article. The final item is a list from a web
site which is selling an 'Index of the Guardian'.
Background article for information: ?The Manchester Guardian was
founded by John Edward Taylor in 1821, and was first published on May
5 of that year.?,11718,728443,00.html
Eric Hobsbawm ? historian,12271,977470,00.html
Bill Clinton ? US President,12956,916302,00.html
Martina Navratilova. - Former Wimbledon champion,,991905,00.html
David Blunkett - Home secretary.,,682141,00.html
Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor - head of the Catholic church in England and Wales,,1224703,00.html
Salman Rushdie - author,,563978,00.html
John Prescott ? Deputy Prime Minister,,774175,00.html
"Among the many leading journalists, intellectuals and politicians who
have contributed to The Guardian are Brian Aldiss, John Arlott, W T
Arnold, Norman Bentwich, Michael Billington, Asa Briggs, Karl Capek,
Neville Cardus, Richard Crossman, C P Crozier, Alistair Cooke, Ivo
Duchacek, Michael Frayn, Max Freedman, Victor Gollancz, Jo Grimond, L
T Hobhouse, Simon Hoggart, Bernard Ingham, Lena Jeger, Nicholas
Kaldor, Arthur Koestler, Bernard Levin, David Marquand, Henry
Massingham, Henry Woodd Nevinson, A Ponsonby, Arthur Ransome, Diana
Rowntree, Norman Shrapnel, Harold Spender, David Steel, R H Tawney, A
J P Taylor, Arnold Toynbee, Jill Tweedie, Alex Werth, Tanya Zinkin and
Victor Zorza."
I hope there are sufficient names in this list and it answers your
question. If it does not, or the answer is unclear, then please ask
for clarification of this research before rating the answer. I shall
respond to the clarification request as soon as I receive it.
Thank you
Search strategy.
I found that the phrases, ?writing in today?s guardian?, ?wrote in the
guardian? and ?writing in the guardian? led me to some names
identified as article writers. Then checked them on the Guardian web
site search engine for the original article. |