Hi dolphin699,
Thank you for your question.
Alpaca & Llama Health Information
Meningeal Worm Infection by Stephen R. Purdy, DVM
- Any neurologic signs in a camelid should make you think about
meningeal worm infection.
- The initial signs may vary between a mild "lameness" to acute
paralysis and blindness.
- The signs are most often asymmetric, and include weakness and incoordination."
See rest of article which includes:
"Most of the clinical cases occur in the winter, but they can occur at
any time of the year.
It appears that the migrating larvae may not take the direct route
from the GI tract to the spinal fluid over 4 to 6 weeks in camelids as
they do in the deer. They may migrate around for months since clinical
cases occur months after the disappearance of slugs and snails in the
Warm weather in early winter and the accompanying lack of snow cover
may allow for animals to browse among dead leaves and be at risk of
becoming infected by consuming slugs or snails."
I have a friend who raises alpacas and he has been an active member of
Yahoo Groups "Alpacasite". You'll have to sign up with an ID and
Alpacasite - Educational forum for alpaca enthusiast
It is a very active site.
As posted at: Really Helpful Web Sites for 'Paca People
"I would recommend setting your delivery options for "No Mail/Web
Only" or your E-Mail box will be packed. This group is not for the
"thin-skinned." Many of the more vocal members are veterans to the
industry who don't hesitate to voice their opinions. If you join - and
I strongly suggest that you do - do yourself a favor and read the
archives from beginning to end. Many topics have been covered at great
length already. You would think that the "subject" line should reflect
the contents, but it doesn't always. Scan all the messages with your
finger close to the "move on to the next message" arrow. And please -
use caution when downloading. Unless your virus protection is current,
you may be asking for trouble. Been there, done that!"
Best regards,
tlspiegel |