The song is called Bad Word for a Good Thing by The Friggs. It?s on
the jawbreaker soundtrack.
From the Blank Generation BlogSpot:
??And it was during one of the commercial breaks for that game that I
was smacked upside the head by a catchy rock tune that I never
expected to hear on national TV, let alone in a Chevy Trailblazer
advertisement. "Hmmm...what is this tune?" I thought. "I know this
song...confidant female vocals...tough's not The Runaways,
is it? Nope..."
?Then, it hit me. I was listening to the verse of "Bad Word for a Good
Thing" by The Friggs. "The who?" you ask. The Friggs were a
little-known all-girl band from Philly that took after The Runaways,
Pat Benatar, and the like. They were around in the mid-to-late '90s,
and as far as I know they never made any kind splash on the national
??So, there I was, sitting on my mom's couch, dumbstruck by the fact
that I was: 1) watching a Trailblazer ad that was blatantly targeting
women (mom's specifically); and 2) listening to a song that I used to
spin by the most obscure of all-girl bands, The Friggs; and 3) waiting
for the chorus of the song to come into play. It's the chorus of the
song, after all, that's the catchiest part: "I need a Bad (bad), Word
(word), for a Good (good), THINGGGGGGG". The singer gnarls on those
words as a sultry background singer whispers the words in paranthesis.
Pretty provocative for a Chevy ad, eh? Except, the ad doesn't use the
chorus?opting instead to play it safe with the ambiguous verse. ?
?I'd love to meet the person who, when it came time to select a music
bed for this commercial?which revolves around a "mom on the go" who
loads her kids into the Trailblazer, where they can conveniently
continue watching their Powerpuff Girls DVD?thought out-loud in one of
those brainstorming meetings, "Hey! What about the (? ) Friggs?
They'd be perrrrfect!"
The Blank Generation
The Jawbreaker soundtrack is available at Amazon.
Listen to a song sample here:
The song "Bad Word for a Good Thing" is also available on the CD
Rock Candy by The Friggs.
Search criteria:
Chevy Trailblazer commercial powerpuff
I hope this is helpful.
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |