Hello again Joel!
According to a recent U.S. consumer survey of computer users conducted
by Harris Interactive:
?More than a third (35 percent) of U.S. adults who have
personal/professional data and digital information stored on a PC or a
laptop never back up their files, and a vast majority (76 percent) of
those who do back up their files don?t do it often enough?
? 44 percent of U.S. adult computer users overall indicated that they
have lost important data or digital files stored on their computer or
laptop, as a result of a computer virus, a hardware or software
malfunction, or for some other reason.?
?Among those survey respondents who do back up their digital information, the
vast majority (76 percent) do so only once a month or less.
?While most U.S. adults who have personal/professional data and
digital information stored on a PC or laptop (89 percent) know they
should back up their computer data, not many do it with any
regularity. Of those who do backup, 22 percent back up files only once
a year or less often, 9 percent back up files just once every 7-11
months, and 15 percent back up their digital files just once every 4-6
Harris Interactive: September 13, 2005
According to the IDC report "Home Data Protection, 2005, author Robert
Gray says that ?many people don't take even basic precautions with
their data resources, and even when they say they're taking action to
protect their data, the efforts are way below what they should be.?
He goes on to say many users back up their files less than once a month.
Destination CRM: August 30, 2005
According to TDG's latest report, The DNA of the Digital Home: Trends
in Digital Home Storage, ?20 percent of these early adopters back up
their home data at least once per week. Approximately 16 percent of
this consumer segment reported never having backed up their home
?Approximately 54 percent of U.S. broadband households who either own
or are likely to purchase a home network report backing up their home
data files less than "a couple times per year."
Tom Coughlin, consulting analyst with The Diffusion Group says "given
how rapidly home data is accumulating, it is surprising that even
among the early adopter consumer segment we are still witnessing such
poor backup habits."
?Among those network owners and intenders that backup their data (even
61 percent report burning content to CDs.
27 percent burn content to DVDs.
33 percent copy content to an external hard disc drive.
9 percent copy to a server.
6 percent backup using an online storage service.
8 percent backup their data using network-attached storage (NAS).?
Certification Magazine: August 23, 2005
?Up to 60 percent of corporate data is unprotected on PCs and laptops
and less than 8 percent of end ?users comply with server backup
According to results obtained by the German Statistics Office on
"information technology in enterprises" in the past year, fewer than
two thirds of companies (63%) back up data to external drives.
Utimaco: August 16, 2005
Search criteria:
percent of PC OR laptop users backup data 2004..2006
percent of computer users backup data
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |