My sister is seven years older than me, because of this large gap we
didn't really interact so much as children. As we've gotten older
we've always been friendly with eachother- though not close. Recently
she moved to the city I live in. Slowly, she began to make nasty
comments, to be more and more negative and competitive. She would
invite me out with her friends only to humiliate me infront of them-
occassionally lying inorder to do so. She is very good at
manipulating situations and I become so hurt and shocked that I can't
react- I start yelling and saying things that don't make any sense.
She acts like a childish bully, doing things like talking over what
I'm saying with groaning, snotty "oh, yeah"s and rolling her eyes.
She's 35 and acts like a child! How do I deal with her when she turns
it around and acts like the victim when confronted. To make matters
worse, around others she's sugar sweet! So far, I've been trying to
be positive or neutral with her, assuming this is all from her low
self-esteem, that she won't attack me if I am clearly not a threat.
But is this just me being her doormat?
Is she a psychopath? Am I just hyper-sensitive and she's just
"playing around"? How can I get her to stop and not only act like an
adult herself, but treat me like one? |