I can confirm that several sites have pointed to the fact that the top
blue states pay more federal taxes than they get, while several red
states get nearly twice as much... per person.
The divorce stats are very hard to quantify. Yes, we know how many
there are, and we can know how many per state and we can guess how
many per marriage, but there are very good statistics that indicate
certain groups of people (including certain races) have a higher
divorce rate. They happen to live more in the south as well. The
divorce "rate" is really subjective interpretation, on both sides,
meaning not much. It could be that certain areas don't marry that
often (just cohabitating) and so divorce isn't as relevant there.
Not exactly trying to add debate material, here, but it is distilled
nicely. California is up there, isn't it? Michigan, Illinois, as well.
With as big a coverage as electoral votes given, it is possible that
murder rate by association is one interpretation. At the risk of
sounding racist, there is another answer that could be given...
Certain populations of wealth are predominantly one skin color and
have less likelihood statistically of being involved with murder as
much as those with a large population of another skin color. Which is
interesting to note on this one point: Which party is the defacto
recipient of votes from the suggested latter population?
Fine, I'll take the heat for being a WASP, and actually suggesting
something that means by default I must be a racist and a homophobe,
even if it's not true that I am. I'm just disappointed to read certain
statistics that place a higher rate of AIDS, divorce, and murder
proportionally against certain races. I wish it were not so.
I think the better question might be to get the stats of various
groups who voted Republican and who voted Democrat, locally rather
than by state. I'd bet the answer might actually turn a few heads...
Here's an interesting map of 2k election that has nothing to do with
anything we're talking about, here.
and http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/election/ a 2004 version. |