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8mm Analog Cam-corder Cassettes. How do I view my old home movies?
Category: Computers > Hardware Asked by: hotinstgeorge-ga List Price: $3.00 |
09 Dec 2004 19:50 PST
Expires: 08 Jan 2005 19:50 PST Question ID: 440655 |
I have many old home movies on 8mm cassettes, the problem is that I don't have a working 8mm camcorder or any other means to view these tapes. Do I have any other options to view these tapes? Is there any hardware I can buy? If not, is there a way to transfer these movies to a different medium? I have tried the digital 8 camcorder--which records on the same tapes--but will not play old analog data on these tapes. Thanks, Amanda |
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Re: 8mm Analog Cam-corder Cassettes. How do I view my old home movies?
Answered By: wengland-ga on 21 Dec 2004 14:23 PST |
Greetings! I, too, have a lot of 8mm analog camcorder tapes, as well as some newer 8mm digital tapes. One new device on the market currently that will play 8mm analog tapes is the Sony DCR-TRV460 camcorder. It has an MSRP of $350, with sale prices in the $320 range at Best Buy, etc. The specification sheet specifially mentions 8mm analog playback. http://www.sonystyle.com/intershoproot/eCS/Store/en/documents/specifications/DCRTRV460_final.pdf Additionally, it will play the 8mm analog tapes back in digital format over the IEEE 1394 FireWire port, so you can easily capture them to your computer for conversion to DVD. You can also buy new Sony Hi-8 camcorders that will play back 8mm tapes, such as the TRV128 and TRV328. They range in price from $250 to $300 The other alternative is to buy a used 8mm analog camcorder or 8mm playback deck. Both are found on eBay and other used equipiment sites. However, for the low cost of the new product, I would buy new. If you require further information, please ask for a clarification before rating this answer. Search Strategy: Sony camcorder ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=sony++camcorder&btnG=Search Further Links: Sony Analog Camcorders http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=cat15196&type=category&parentCatID=cat15063&_requestid=150186 Sony Digital Camcorders http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=cat15195&type=category&parentCatID=cat15063&_requestid=150563 |
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Re: 8mm Analog Cam-corder Cassettes. How do I view my old home movies?
From: crythias-ga on 10 Dec 2004 08:33 PST |
http://www.epinions.com/elec-Video-Camcorders-All-Analog_1-8mm http://froogle.google.com/froogle?q=8mm+analog&btnG=Search+Froogle Or see your local phone book for a "Video Transfer Service" This is a free comment. |
Re: 8mm Analog Cam-corder Cassettes. How do I view my old home movies?
From: neilzero-ga on 21 Dec 2004 07:39 PST |
Your question suggests that new technology is not always our friend. I have a machine that will still play 8 track, but 100 each 7 inch reels of quarter inch magnetic tape in two different, semi incompatable formats, almost as many 3.5 inch flppy disks. Fortunately these have little value, so I won't spend hundreds of dollars putting them on a different medium that will likely be totaly obsolete in 2012, if not sooner. Neil |
Re: 8mm Analog Cam-corder Cassettes. How do I view my old home movies?
From: richard-ga on 21 Dec 2004 08:13 PST |
I prepared this as an answer to your question, but because I have not found a reputable seller who carries the item, I'll post it here as a comment instead: --------------- The hardware you need to buy is a Sony DCR-TRV350 camcorder. "One of the major upgraded features of the DCR-TRV350 over the DCR-TRV250 is the ability to playback analog Hi8 and 8mm tapes. It's good if you are transitioning from an old Hi8 or 8mm camcorder to a digital solution. The digital play back will also alow you to convert those tapes to a digital signal for transfer to your computer. http://www.camcorderinfo.com/content/sony-dcr-trv350-camcorder-review.htm This is a discontinued model, and as far as I can tell the current Sony line of digital camcorders does not have this feature. Google Answers Researcher Richard-ga |
Re: 8mm Analog Cam-corder Cassettes. How do I view my old home movies?
From: videodude-ga on 10 Mar 2005 11:33 PST |
There is a network of companies that can do this for you. Try these groups: http://www.takeonenetwork.com/alphavideo/ http://www.alphavideoservices.com http://www.takeonenetwork.com/ Cheers! Videodude |
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