According to Bryan Adams himself, the '69' of the song's title is a
sexual reference.
"MILLER: As long as we are on the subject of Summer of 69, just how
autobiographical is the song?
ADAMS: Some parts are autobiographical, but the title comes from the
idea of 69 as a metaphor for sex. Most people thought it was about the
year 1969."
Bryan Adams Interview, April 2001
"In recent years, Adams has introduced the song in concert by saying
that the song has nothing to do with the year 1969, implying that the
song is about the sexual act."
Wikipedia: Summer of '69'69
For anyone who would like more details on the sexual meaning of 69,
here's a good explanation (WARNING - site contains moderately graphic
line art):
Wikipedia: 69 sex position
A list of some pop culture references to the 69 sexual position
(including Adams' song) may be found here:
Wikipedia: List of pop culture references to the 69 sex position
I had always assumed that the year 1969 was meant. It was the year
that I graduated from college, and I was thinking "Well, Bryan Adams
has fond memories of that year, too." What a surprise! Thanks for
asking this question, or I would probably never have known!
I hope this clears things up somewhat. Please let me know if you need
anything further.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |